Part 17. Satin

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Listen to Roundabout by Born Human for this chapter.

The only way to make Lee Minho want you was to make him hard

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The only way to make Lee Minho want you was to make him hard.

The harder, the better.

He was incapable of ─ and did not need ─ love. Men like him were not the type to give you meaningful glances and ask you on a beach date. Men like him were the type to give you a sleepless night, and either demand another or kill you after. They were hard to get and even harder to keep.

They were uninterested ─ focused on gaining money and power instead ─ and would rarely seek the company of another because they were so used to being lonely.

Jisung couldn't play dumb, giggle at three jokes, and hope to score. Although he purposely acted like it before, Minho was no flirty Casanova. He was unapproachable. Jisung could only have him if he always looked his best; if he was different, charming, desirable; if he learned how to not shiver or panic at the mere thought of being touched. He had to be exactly what Minho longed for deep down in his frozen heart. He had to be Dongwon.

That was what Sora told him the night they jumped out of the kitchen window to find privacy in the depth of the night.

Before she moved on to the secret sex tips that made her popular amongst regular clients at the brothel, she said that she'd met Minho when he was fourteen years old, and that he'd been like this all his life.

No one had ever sparked his interest. He only visited The Vipers' brothels to check broken water pipes, but never to have fun. He'd glare at the beautiful prostitutes and would flinch when they walked past him, creasing his nose as if they stank.

But when Dongwon showed up, Minho changed. He muscled up, got rid of his acne, replaced his entire wardrobe, got a haircut, and bought himself the best car on the market.

Something was different about Dongwon and it seemed like it bewitched the one who was to become the ruthless underboss he was today.

"Imagine how good he must've been in bed to get a ring on his finger," Sora had whispered to Jisung as Seungmin led them back into the brothel. "And you can be better if you listen to me, kid. You gotta stop offending him and be more like his ex. He will give you a chance."

As Jisung stared at nothing while washing his hands in the common bathroom sink, he felt like he gave Sora false hope when he agreed to do it.

It was ridiculous. The simple sound of his breath offended Minho. At least the second part could've been easy if he had a clue what Minho liked about Dongwon.

What if Minho rejected him? What if he didn't reject him, and Jisung would have to sleep with him? I mean, that was the goal, but he always thought his first time would be all about fireworks in his tummy, cuddling and saying I love you afterwards. Like in fanfiction.

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