"Well you never can tell" Lami answered

" Any words for your fans out there?"

"Uhm, I love you guys!!" She sent invisible kisses at the invisible camera

"People that have sense" Elle snorted

" I'm sure your fans out there love you too. Thank you very much, Miss Lami. Next is Jimmy"

 He smiled at him " I doubt if our Rv. Father here has any challenges with the temptation because I'm sure he knows how to fight temptation very well but let's hear what he has to say"

"God bless you" he said doing the cross sign " brethen,like they said a jobless person is the devil's workshop-"

We burst out laughing " Father it is not 'a jobless person' oh , it is 'an idle person'. Jobless ko" Elle corrected

"Thank you, my daughter, an idle person is the devil's workshop. I was idle as of yesterday and the gift kept staring at me, 'open me, open me' it kept whispering to me but 'No!' I shouted I grabbed my Bible and started praying fire fire-"

"Thank you very much Rv. Father Jimmy, I bet it was such an amazing battle" Jason cut him off before we start praying fire fire

I didn't have any temptation opening the gift nor did Craig have

"Thank you all for watching today's episode of How We Overcome." Jason smiled at an invisible camera, waving at it.  Amarachi, Lami and Jimmy joined him in waving while we stared at them like... 

"That was also intense" Elle laughed "Thank you guys though,I'm really happy at the extreme steps you guys took to fight off the temptation"

"This one said she was obedient" Amarachi pointed at Lami, everyone laughed.

"I'm obedient na, you think I'm like you guys?"

"No oh, we think you are worst" Jimmy answered

"Before you start another bickering the bell has been ranged. Time to go home" Jason settled the dispute

Lami groaned "because of this boy, we didn't even get to discuss about our Graduation party which is three days from now!"

"We'll discuss it tomorrow Lami" I yawned 

"Tomorrow makes it two days from the graduation" She whined

"I don't have the strength to discuss any Graduation party oh!" Jimmy warned

"I thought you guys have been planning it from ss1?" Elle asked totally confused

"We have of course, but we need to go over the preparation" Lami answered

"From Ss1??" The boys looked shocked, they looked at each other " Oh boy! We don't even know what to wear and you girls have been planning this from Ss1 and you still want to go over it!!" 

LAST YEAR IN HIGH SCHOOL #PROJECT NIGERIAWhere stories live. Discover now