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Channelle POV

"This is your class," Janet said standing in front of a classroom. I looked up to the little signboard indicating the class "Science".

"Thank y-"

"Wait, where are you going?"

I looked at her weirdly and responded. " To the class, you showed me, of course."

"Oh no, that's my class too and believe me when I say you're gonna make a fool out of yourself!"

"So what am I to do," I asked quite confused.

"I'll take you to our first subject teacher. She'll come with you to the class to do an introduction," Jamet replied.

"Oh that's cool, so why did you bring me here?"

She shrugged her shoulders and sighed, "I guess I just wanted to show you your class."

"Oh, I see." I nodded my head.

"Yeah, common let's go to the staff room. Our first subject teacher is  Miss Sharon and she teaches English Language."

"Great, since she's not married she shouldn't be too troublesome right?" I asked jokingly but also seriously. I hope I don't land into trouble - It's only my first day!

Janet chuckled. "I wonder what makes you think like that, well she's a hand full."


"Good morning Ma," Janet greets an older lady, who I suppose is Miss Sharon.

"Good morning Janet and?" She paused, waiting for a response.

"Ma, this is Channelle Wilson - the new student, joining our school."

"Good morning ma" I greeted and smiled politely.

"Oh, morning Channelle. Welcome to Great Height Academy. I hope you'll enjoy yourself here but not too much of course!"

"Thank you ma," I said, almost robotically.

"Janet you can go, I'll take it from here. Thank you,"

"See you in class Elle," Janet said and walked away. Wow, I have a nickname and a friend already. Who says making a friend and friends is hard?

I caught Miss Sharon staring at me, before speaking up. "Why did your parents put you in this school?" she asked me. Now this is a very weird question, what's wrong with everybody here!

"Excuse me Ma?" I said hoping she repeats her question.

LAST YEAR IN HIGH SCHOOL #PROJECT NIGERIAWhere stories live. Discover now