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        Before they leave from shop forth stopped lam.

       What...?? Forthie...did you forget to buy something.

      Lam asked him. He sometimes call forth as forthie. Actually he like forth. He wants to be his boyfriend...in fact want to his life partner. Since he met forth for the first time he really like him. After knowing forth past his likes towards him increased. He even love tanet as his own. After all he knew tanet since his birth. He love that little munchkin. That's why he become his god father. He always felt happy whenever tanet call him as'daddy'.And he hope one he become his father.

         Mm lam...i forget to buy reception dress for tanet. Let's go.

      Forth told him and before lam say anything forth drag him from there.

       Lam smiled and side hugged forth while walking. They both  start to select perfect dress for tanet while teasing each other. They didn't care about their surrounding.

      But without knowing them someone is watching their every action without moving from his place.



     I was stunned. Actually i can't believe my eyes. I didnt come to shopping today. Actually i just came to pick up yo. But i didn't  ever thought that i meet..i mean i will see forth after 5 years like this.

      I didn't thought i will see him with someone else

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      I didn't thought i will see him with someone else. He looks so happy. In past i don't like  someone even talk to him. Now he is hugged by someone else. I don't know how to react...

    Its was during the time nong wayo and  nong ming introduced to forth for the first time. Its was a week later they joined uni.  They already met pha and friends and become close with them. But they still didn't  met forth who is crazy doc gang close friend. So beam and kit invite ming and wayo on one of friday night to introduce their friend FORTH.

      But what they don't know is actually ming is crush on forth since first day. He already told them including to his best friend about his crush who is beautiful yet hot handsome senoir of him.

        But no one knew he was talking about forth himself only. Without knowing that three of teased ming while pha drink his beer without care about their conversation.

     So when forth came to club and join them only beam and kit knew ming crush actually their friend FORTH. 

      After their introduction only ming told to wayo his crush is actually forth.

      After their introduction only ming told to wayo his crush is actually forth

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