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Forth came to suvarnabhumi airport around 6 pm.He have more than a hour time. But he can't trust traffic on weekdays that's why he came asap.

His smile won't leave his face. He is really excited to see his friends after a month. Since they become friends they didn't live without seeing each other more than 2 days. This is the first time they seperate a month. Even though they face time daily. But its not same to see flesh and blood na. So...yeah...

While waiting for his friend forth felt thirsty and hungry. He didn't drink or eat anything for the past 2 hours. So he went cafe.

He got cold coffee and went to sit on single chair.

While he drinking he heard someone laugh....

Haha...omg... haha...

Forth was stunned....he suddenly felt nervous. His heart beating fast on his ribcage.

He knew this voice...he knew this laugh as well which heard rarely yet he knew. He eyes shed some tears without his content.

He didn't except he will hear this voice one more time...and that too here.

He don't know what to do. So he try to leave asap. So he stand up before that person will see him.

Ouch...Baby doll....

But his steps halted because of shock when he heard that voice one again but with different modulation which he ever heard before. He can't believe his ears. He really doubt if its really him or some other person.

Because he never heard this person whinned like this before. He is curious now.

Finally he decided to see the person because he really want to conform if that person is really him or not. Actually deep down he want to see him or atleast glimpse of him.

So forth slowly turn his back and search each and every table with his curious eyes.

His breath hitched when he finally saw that person face. He saw how that person smiled freely without care about his surrounding.

And he saw that person face glowing when he look at the person who is infront of him. He saw how he look at the person with sparkling eyes.

Its him...its really his pha....no...not his...but someone pha.

He is still handsome...no.. Actually more handsome than before. He looks even more hot with his dazzling smile.

Its been years since he saw pha. And that too as a person. After he left the country he didn't try to knew about him or try to find out even at any social media.

But seeing him after many years still he feel the butterfly on his stomach just like past. He knew no one except pha make him feel like this. That's why he can't move on from him.

He look at pha smiling face dumblingly. He still can't believe is he really pha or not. Because the one he knew was not behave like this with anyone before and that too he won't show his emotins like this openly.
Pha...do you have free time tonight.

Forth asked him. Its been while they spend time together. They last met a week before at club that too with their friends asuasal and that didn't end well. After that day both are busy. They can't even meet atleast once. So forth thought to have dinner with pha like some date.

They are at rehearsal hall. Forth can't be here often to mentor his junior moon because he is one of mentor at sotus training also. So he came to check when he have free time. Today is one of day.

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