" Baekhyun?" He snaps me out of undressing him in my head as I hurry off into my bedroom.

"Sorry I just need to get my jacket and shoes" I look around the room for the shoes I know I picked out earlier but they have magically walked away on me to mess with my night.

Seeing the jacket on the bed I grab it putting it on being so happy that it fits me. Checking one last time in the mirror I smile at how good I look for a change.

"You look amazing " I hear his deep sexy voice coming from the doorway as he stands there smiling holding the shoes I thought ran away.

" Do I ?" I blush a little still tugging at my shirt to hide my bump just for tonight.

" Can I come in?" He asks, making me smile that he still asks permission before entering a bedroom .

" Of course" I watch as he walks closer to me, making butterflies flutter in my stomach. Well at this stage I hope they are butterflies and not sickness.

" You just need to fix the collar here" he stands behind me as we both face the mirror while he fixes me.

" Perfect " he smiles making me turn to face him

" Are you ready for tonight ?" He speaks softly making me melt more " yes I'm ready just need my shoes on and we are good to go" sitting on the bed I pull my shoes on and quickly stand up checking myself again as he watches me smiling from ear to ear

" Why you smiling like that " I blush so badly as he steps closer

" I get to spend the evening with an amazing beautiful person tonight " he steps even closer and moves a strand of hair from my forehead making me swallow hard.

"You think I'm beautiful even being pregnant? " I look up at him with puppy dog eyes and he just reaches down and cups my cheek. " I think you're stunningly beautiful tonight and every other time I've seen you being pregnant doesn't bother me now let's go" he takes my hand and guides me to the door as we head off for dinner.

Stepping into the cold night air I'm grateful he parked close to the apartment as he holds open the door for me as I climb into his warm car. I watch him walk around the car and climb in and can't believe my luck at just how sexy this man is.

" Ready?" He asks as I click my belt on " ready" he starts the car as I watch out the window at all the night lights .

" Baekhyun are you ok?" He touches my hand that's on my leg making me smile as I turn to face him . " I'm a little nervous as the place you're bringing me is rather expensive and I feel a little out of place "

" Hey no no don't think like that please. Tonight is on me I just want you to relax and enjoy the night and let me take care of everything else ok" we slow down at some traffic lights as he rubs my hand

" I'm just so independent..."

" I know you are and I wouldn't take that from you just tonight can you not be and let me take care of everything" he starts the car again as I watch him . How have I been so lucky to have this amazing god of a man pick me. How have I been so lucky to have this guy inside me? Oh my god I had him inside me . I look out the window trying to hide my red blush at the amazing night we had before I told him I was pregnant and to leave .

" We are here" he parks the car and climbs out as I wipe my sweaty hands on my trousers.

" After you " he helps me out of the car as I step ahead of him looking at people coming and going from the most expensive place in town.

" You ok?" He holds out his arm for me to link as I smile and take it " I will be once I get inside and settled"

Giving his name as we make our way through the restaurant I can't stop smiling at just how beautiful and amazing Chenmins is . The tables are not that close so there is plenty of privacy even the decorations are just wow .

True Owner Of My Heart (Chanbaek)Where stories live. Discover now