Chapter 6

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"Hey" turning around towards his open apartment door Baekhyun spot Luhan looking at him with a soft smile.

"That's everything now from the van isn't it?" Baekhyun questions as Luhan steps in closer reaching his best friend giving him a hug. "Yeah thats it all kiddo" Luhan wraps his arms around Baekhyun's shoulder from behind showing him comfort.

"I never thought the week would end like this. Pregnant, dumped and in a new apartment" Baekhyun wipes a stray tear that kisses his cheek.

"Well and a new potential man don't forget" Luhan tries to lighten the mood knowing this is hurting Baekhyun more then he is showing it.

Knock knock

They both turn around to see Chanyeol standing in the door way. "Sorry to interrupt but I just wanted to let you know the van is empty and also that I am heading off" Luhan let's go of Baekhyun and makes a quick escape out the door past Chanyeol making the two smile.

"You seem upset is everything ok?" Chanyeol walks into the apartment stopping close to Baekhyun feeling rather concerned for the smaller.

"I guess it's just emotional moving in somewhere new so fast. I haven't had time to catch up with it all" Baekhyun takes a seat on one of the boxes as Chanyeol moves closer and gets down on this hunkers. "Let's forget our date tonight we can do it another time when you're more ready" Chanyeol smiles up seeing the tears in Baekhyuns eyes. He wants to know what happened so he can comfort him but he also knows it's none of his business. He has only met Baekhyun he can't push for answers yet.

"No, I still want to go. I will be ok for tonight I promise. I just need to get it out of my system" Baekhyun touches Chanyeol's hand that is resting on his knee.

"Will I pick you up from here or Luhan's?" Chanyeol waits as Baekhyun looks around at the mess. "Maybe from Luhan's" he smiles as Chanyeol stands up. "OK I will see you tonight" Chanyeol says his goodbyes and leaves the apartment as Baekhyun looks around smiling at the room. He stands up and makes his way to the guest bedroom. Stepping inside he places his hands on his tummy as he walks around the room looking at bare walls. "What colour would you like my little one?" Baekhyun keeps staring at the room hoping some sort of idea will hit him. Flashes of soft yellows, greens, blues and pinks fill his mind as he closes his eyes and tries to picture it in his mind. He starts to sway as the room gets full of colour and furniture pops into his mind. Smiling to himself he can see it all coming together. In the corner of the room under a soft light he can see himself sitting on his favourite chair rocking his little one to sleep as he hums a tune.Opening his eyes he can't help but smile knowing in a few more months he will be holding his baby.

"Baek" Baekhyun turns to see Luhan holding our his hand towards him. "Let's get you ready for this date of yours" Baekhyun takes one more look around the room and smiles a huge smile. "You better make me look good" he laughs as he takes his best friends hand in his and follows him out and down to his apartment.


"How do I look?" Baekhyun looks at himself in the full length mirror smiling at just how much he loves his best friend for making him look and feel amazing for his date tonight. "You look amazing. You are not too dressy or too casual you are just perfect and you look so comfortable and relaxed" Luhan reaches up and fixes a strand of hair removing it from Baekhyun's brow. "I was just able to zip up my jeans. I don't think I can get away with wearing jeans after tonight" Baekhyun rubs his tiny little bump before pulling his cream jumper over it. "Oh man I just want to cry , you are glowing tonight" Luhan wipes a stray tear from his cheek as he smiles at his friend. "I am so proud of you Baek. I really am especially after this week and yes I know I keep saying it but I really am"Luhan grabs his friend in close giving him a big bear hug. "Luhan thank you for everything" Baekhyun hugs back just as tight as a knock comes to the door making them both pull away excited.  

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