4: Unexpected Feelings

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You, Freddy, and Bonnie all conversed for a while after you sat back down, the mood lightening up a bit. You all talked about different things, and then eventually, a topic that you didn't expect to come up was brought up. To your surprise, it was brought up by Freddy, and Not Bonnie.

"So Y/N, is there anyone you like~?" The question immediately took you aback, hesitating for a moment. Shaking your head lightly, you explained, "Well, maybe. I'm not really sure. There is this.." You stopped for a moment, not knowing how to phrase it. "Go on." They both giggled. You flustered you a bit, and continued.

"There is this one guy. I haven't known him for that long, but I just feel a connection with him. Of course I don't have the nerves to tell him though. I just wonder if he ever feels the same connection as me." You explained.

Bonnie and Freddy listened, and Bonnie eventually chimed in. "I'm sure he does Y/N, you just gotta spend more time with him, I'm sure one of you will say something eventually." He smiled at you warmly.

You returned the question to both of them. "Is there anyone that you guys like? Well.. are you guys able to.. love?" They sat there for a moment. "We are, but it's almost impossible for us to find anyone to love. We're the only animatronics here, and I don't think any humans would ever give us a chance. No one even knows that we can feel emotions. Well, no one except for you." Freddy explained. You nodded.

Freddy continued, "Answering the other part of your question, I'm not really sure. My heart does ache for the perfect partner, whether it be a woman or a man, but sadly I just have to accept reality. I'm a robot made for entertaining kids, I'm lucky enough to be aware of life as it is." He said with a smile, but you could tell he was upset.

Bonnie eventually chimed in, answering your question as well. "Sadly as Freddy said, it's basically impossible for me to find love. Especially since.." He hesitated. "Especially since I'm gay. It's rather unfortunate. Freddy and I are best friends, and I have no clue what Foxy's into, but that's a topic for another time. I don't have anyone to love, but it's something that I've come to accept. My mind always wonders if I'll be able to love some day, but today is not that day." Bonnie sighed, and you patted his shoulder.

You didn't know what to say next, you felt so bad for the two of them. It hurt seeing them so sad, yet you didn't know how to cheer them up.

"I'm so sorry.. I can't imagine living like that. Thank you guys for telling me, I appreciate it. I do hope you guys will find it eventually."

Freddy looked a bit upset by that response, but you couldn't tell why. Was it something you said? You hadn't said anything wrong.. or at least you didn't think you did.

You guys stayed silent for a bit, each one of you unsure of what to say next. Awkward silence had filled the room.

Eventually, you heard a noise which sounded like it was coming from Pirate's Cove. You stood up, and you started to walk towards the room.

Freddy stood up from behind you and stopped you, putting his hand on your shoulder. "Y/N, I'm not sure visiting Foxy is such a great idea. He's got some.. how do I phrase it.. issues." Freddy mumbled. His gaze looking at you worried.

"Oh.. but what if somethings wrong? What if he needs help? The noise sounded pretty big Freddy, I think it would be best if we checked up on him. Or at least if I checked up on him." You explained, trying to reason with Freddy.

His soft brown ears flattened, his blue orbs staring into your's. His gaze was a worried one, not wanting you to put yourself at risk.

You wondered why they were so cautious of you approaching Foxy. They never gave you a clear explanation. It was always a dry response.

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