As her mind was whirling around, unable to process whether Kain was about to rat her out to her brothers about the other night and spending the night in his bed, Tyrus put his hand on Kain's shoulder.

"Everyone, this is my brother, Kain. You've already met Jason and Liam, but this is Noah and Riley, Jason's siblings."


Riley did a double take, looking back and forth between Tyrus and Kain. She had seen Tyrus plenty of times in the auto shop, but she never would have put two and two together. But now, as she looked at them side by side, she saw a slight resemblance between the two.

Taking a breath of relief that Kain wasn't just here to out her to her brothers, she merely nodded in Kain's direction, not eager to let Jason or Noah know she had already met Kain.

"Well, let's get you guys seated," said Liam. "I've got you guys in the best seats of the house. And Noah and Tyrus, you guys can get ready in the locker rooms. I'll come get you shortly."

Everyone moved forward, with Jason slipping out of Tyrus's grasp as she witnessed their hands lingering together longer than they should have. Noah glanced over his shoulder as he walked away, "Wish me luck!"

"Good luck," Riley replied before shooting a quick "You too Tyrus" in his direction.

Jason, Riley and Kain followed Liam into the hustle and bustle of the crowd as they edged their way across the floor and took up a set of seats in the front row that was reserved for them. Kain sat down first, with Riley shuffling in after and Jason excusing himself to go to the bathroom. Liam left to organise the fight.

Now it was just Riley and Kain sitting next to each other in the seats, waiting for the fight to start.

She shuffled nervously in her seat at the proximity as her arm grazed against Kain's. The seats were so tightly packed that it was hard for her not to be touching Kain's long legs as they spilled out to the side, nudging Riley ever so gently.

As they sat there alone, watching the waiting crowd, she couldn't stop the nervousness that had her body on edge as she sat rigid in her seat. There was something she promised herself she would do when she next saw Kain and now would be the perfect time for her to apologise, but that didn't mean she wasn't nervous as hell about it.

Gathering up her courage, she glanced over at Kain, whose focus was straight ahead as he also appeared to be a bit on edge in his seat.

"Umm," she said. "About the other night. I just wanted to apologise and thank you. I was in such a rush that morning I didn't properly thank you for looking after me. And letting me use your bed."

Kain's body stiffened beside her as he glanced curiously in her direction. His gaze was piercing as his deep blue eyes analysed her with such intensity. She couldn't break away from the gaze and her lips parted gently as she took in his wavy, chestnut-brown hair in a side part style that really brought out how truly handsome he was.

Kain's adam's apple bobbed up and down before he tore his eyes away from her, bringing his attention back to the fight. It was silent as he merely stared in front of him, and she thought for a second that maybe he didn't hear her. She was about to repeat herself when he finally let out a sigh, running his hand through his hair.

"You're welcome," he said, his voice more gentle than she had ever heard it, especially directed at her. "And I believe I owe you a study session."

"Oh, that's okay. You don't have to," said Riley, seriously wishing that he had forgotten all about the stupid bet they placed. This was hard enough just being next to him. Let alone having to actually interact with him while studying.

"A bet's a bet," said Kain. "After classes on Monday, we can study in the library."

Riley made a grimace. She was grounded. There was no way that Jason would let her stay behind to study with a guy, even if he was Tyrus's brother. Straight to work and classes, then straight home. Those were the rules.

"Actually, can we do it before class," said Riley, thinking of the hour free period she had between the end of work and beginning of her classes which wouldn't require any permission from Jason. "After I finish my morning shift."

"Sure. We can study at the cafe," nodded Kain, his focus still directly in front of him as he seemed to be trying his best to ensure his leg and arm was kept out of Riley's way. Not that it was much use, as she could feel the heat of his leg connected with hers.

She turned her head as she spotted Jason shuffling down the aisle towards them and taking the seat next to Riley. Having two large guys next to her made her feel even more uncomfortable as she was pushed unintentionally further into Kain's side, their arms now heavily resting next to each other.

Riley's focus, however, was brought back to the crowd as she heard the screaming of people filling the gym and finally, Noah and Tyrus stepped into the ring.

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