"THEN WHY DID YOU LIE TO ME!?" he yelled. I was frozen. I didn't know what t say. "YOU TOLD ME YOU FUCKEN DIDN'T SLEEP WITH DEIDARA!!"

"I DIDN'T!" I snapped back with tears in my eyes. 

"Don't lie to me Kasumi." he said looking right at me with tears in his eyes. 

"I'm not lying!"

"YES YOU ARE! WHY THE HELL IS HIKARU'S HAIR FUCKEN BLONDE!!?" I could feel tears now falling down my face. "I have dark brown hair! You have FUCKEN WHITE HAIR! HOW COULD OUR SON HAVE BLONDE HAIR!?" Kiba was now right yelling right in my face. I could see the anger and frustration written all over it.

Tears were now streaming down my face. I hate crying.

"B-beacuse...because..." I started but I couldn't speak, I was sobbing in between my words. 

"Because what!?" he yelled as some tears slipped out of his eyes. 

"Because... I originally had blonde hair.." I whispered. 

He looked taken back by response. 

"You...what?" he asked, still anger in his voice but he'd had calmed down a lot. 

"Be...before Kakashi meet me... I had blonde hair." I barely whispered.

A complete lie. 

"You...had blonde hair... how?" he asked confusion written all over his face.

"My mom did.. I was born with blonde hair.. but once I meet Kakashi and he hugged me... it turned white."

Total bullshit.

His expression was full of confusion. 

"..and once I left everyone.. it turned black.. and now it's white again... I don't know why it never went blonde..."

Lies. I thought. It was never blonde.

"But...why didn’t you tell me this before?" he asked now looking at me with soft eyes. 

I let a small, sad smile cross my face. 

"Because... I was afraid you'd think it was just a cover up and you'd think that I actually slept with Deidara...." I now let more tears flow. "I... I was afraid you'd leave me."

After I spoke those words, he immediately pulled me into a hug. 

I kept crying as I pulled on his shirt, just trying to get closer to him, to make sure he'd never let go.

"I'm sorry, Kiba." I whispered. "I should have told you but I was so scar-"

He cut me off by pushing his lips to mine. 

His lips were always so warm, so soft, so comforting... so perfect.

Once we pulled away, he wiped away the last of my tears with his thumb before speaking.

"You know I could never leave you." he whispered. "I love you. More then anything or anyone in the world. You are my world Kasumi. Always have been, always will be."

I let more tears fall as I nodded my head and he pulled me in again. 

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist, pulling me in so close.

"I love you to Kiba." I whispered. "Please promise me you'll never leave me." I said through sobs. 

"I promise." he whispered.

10 Years later...


The True Pain Of A Ninja (sequal to Kakashi's daughter, is in love with Kiba!?)Where stories live. Discover now