Chapter 10

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I was just walking through the forest, it'd been a few days since I'd seen Kiba.

I let out a sad sigh. Anyway, I'm getting closer to Deidara and Tobi, I can sense them near by. 

I let out another sigh. I guess no matter what I try to do, I'll still care about Kiba.. But I need to make him forget me. So the next time I see him, I have to make sure he hates me. 

"I'm sorry! Calm down senpai!!"

I let out a giggle as I heard Tobi. I take it he did something to piss of Deidara and now Deidara's trying to kill Tobi. Typical.

"You bastard!! I'll kill you!" I heard Deidara yell.

Jezz, I thought. They really don't get the idea of a low profile do they?

I suppose I better have some fun.

I appeared behind Deidara with a kunai at his throat, causing him to freeze.

"My, my," I said with a smirk. "You've gotten careless since I've been gone,"

"Kasumi!!" yelled Tobi in his happy, childish voice.

"Oh," said Deidara as he turned his head smirking at me. "I did wonder when you'd show up,"

I giggled and put my kunai back in my pouch.

"Kasumi!" said Tobi as he ran up to me. "Deidara's been trying to kill me! But Tobi's been a good boy!"

I giggled again as I watched a vein pop on Deidara's head. 

"Oh have you now Deidara?" I said with a cheeky smile.

"Tobi.." he growled in a deadly voice. "I'm gona kill you." 

I watched as Tobi sweat dropped and ran away. As Deidara was about to run after him, I stopped him by pressing my lips to his. 

He seemed shock for a second but then kiss me back as he wrapped his arms around my wiast.

I smirk and wrapped mine around his neck. 

"It's been a while since I've tasted those lips," said Deidara with a smirk as he pulled away.

"Too long I think," I smirked as I went in and kissed him again.

I guess you could say I didn't know what I felt when I kissed Deidara. I mean when I kissed Kiba everything seemed so.. perfect and I knew I loved him. But when I kiss Deidara... I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it. I mean when he kisses me all I want to do is kiss back and yeah probably go a heck of a lot further then kissing but... 

Do I love Deidara?

"Oii guys! We still have the Three Tails to catch!" said Tobi as he interrupted our kiss.

I pulled away from Deidara and looked at him.

"He's right." I said as I let my arms fall from his neck and I began walking. "We don't wana keep Leader waiting do we?" 

"TOBI!" yelled Deidara annoyed.

"Hai senpai!" he answered but Deidara had a really evil look on his face. 

"Why would you interrupert me when I'm-"

"Oh come on Deidara," I said pulling Tobi away from him. "Just calm, we can hang out later once we've got the Three Tailed!"

"Yeah senpai!" said Tobi as he decided to carrying on walking ahead.

I smiled and grabbed Deidara's arm, wrapping it round my shoulders as we walked along. 

The True Pain Of A Ninja (sequal to Kakashi's daughter, is in love with Kiba!?)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя