"Excuse me," he laughed as he elbowed me companionably. "I make very good...stubble," he finished lamely.

"I'll bet I have to shave more than you do," I said.

"Oi!" he laughed and I started running for the stairs. You take that back!"

We laughed as he chased me and I felt free and easy, like it used to be.

Then I saw who was coming up the stairs and pulled up hard. Apollo crashed into the back of me, but we grabbed hold of each other and no one tumbled down the steps.

"Valk," Apollo said. "You in or out?"

Valen was scowling bloody murder - which was probably what he'd been doing - and looked little more than warmed up roadkill. But there was no blood and his clothes seemed in as many pieces as they were supposed to be. His knuckles looked pretty roughed up, though.

"What the fuck do you think?" he replied, his eyes falling to Apollo's arm around my waist.

When he looked back up, I wasn't sure what that look on his face was, but I felt a twinge of something when I realised it wasn't jealousy.

"So, you won't be joining us for eggs benedict breakfast, then?" Apollo asked.

As if it was possible, Valen's frown deepened. "Do I need to dignify that with an answer?"

"Let's pretend you're human for a moment, eh?" Apollo joked, giving me a squeeze.

Valen's eyes dropped to my waist again, then back up. "What's up you this morning?"

Apollo shrugged. "I'm in a good mood, is that going to kill you?"

Valen's eyebrow rose. "It might."

Apollo laughed like Valen had been making a joke on purpose. "Okay. Fine. Will we see you later?"

"Doubtful. I'm needed."

The tightening of Apollo's arms almost felt like he was in need of comfort that time. But his answer gave nothing away. "You're going to sleep the whole day away?"

Valen just growled at him and started heading up the stairs.

"Go and get your beauty sleep, then," Apollo told him.

Valen looked at me pointedly when he replied, "Some of us need it."

"Moody fucker," Apollo laughed as Valen disappeared.

Apollo took my hand casually and we traipsed down to the breakfast room.

"And I suppose this is your doing?" Frenella asked warmly when she saw me.

I looked at the table and saw far too much eggs benedict for any one family to eat.

"That would be your son," I told her as Apollo helped me into my seat.

Frenella, ever the doting mother, gave him a beaming smile. "I've tried to bring him up well."

Apollo ducked over to kiss her cheek before taking his place next to me.

"You've done a lovely job," I assured her. "He's very thoughtful." For the most part.

"I was thinking it's about time to have your parents over for another dinner, Harlow," Archer said to me from behind his newspaper as Frenella asked Apollo something about Valen.

"Oh, yes," she said, her focus off her son's best friend in favour of more pleasant topics. "That would be lovely. It's been too long since we've seen Sissy and Rex."

"Yes," Archer continued. "It's about time Rex and I smoothed over some finer details."

"Not everything's about business, Archer," Frenella chided.

Gods & Angels | Sinners of Saint Benedicts duet 1 (dark/bully romance)Where stories live. Discover now