| Farewell Party and Hospital |

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"Yes Carli! I've reached." Drishti gets off her car in front of an apartment and enters inside the building. She takes the elevator to floor 6 and stops in front of house no. 108.

A young female with light brown hair and pale green coloured eyes opens the door and says, "Woah! At last Miss Angel got time for Miss Lucifer, is it? What is it that made you come to my small abode ?"

Drishti rolls her eyes and enters inside, throwing the car keys on the couch. "Lawyer." She slouches on the couch and says, "Pass me the water."

"Lawyer?" Carli asks, confused while handing over a glass of water to Drishti.

"Yes." Drishti gulps down the water at one go.

"You dying or what? Making wills?" Carli jokes and sits beside Drishti.

"Not now. But soon I will I guess." Drishti sighs.

"What do you mean?"

"Pa has given me his Ashish Mahal in his will."

Carli jumps off her seat out of excitement. "Really? Wow! Isn't that an ancestral palace of your family? You are now freaking rich Drishtiii!"

"I can't take it." Carli stops smiling hearing this and a frown appears on her face. She keeps on staring at Drishti.

"What? It's not actually mine. I'm just an adopted member of their family. So, how can I take it?" Drishti lies down on the couch lazily.

"Don't give me this shitty excuse. I know you well enough to know that you take your adoptive family as your own."

Drishti sighs and says, "Ya... I do take them as my own, I mean, after all I don't know where my real family is now. I only remember some bits and pieces and a recurring nightmare. But still... It just feels a bit awkward to take such an expensive thing."

"Don't you think it's too late to feel awkward? After all, it's them who have been taking care of your expenses, be it sending you to schools, tutions, clothes, food,. even the college you are in now..."

"Okay. Okay. Got it. You can be very hurtful at times, you know."

"I know. Tell me something which I don't." Carli stares at Drishti to get the answer while Drishti keeps looking everywhere except at Carli.

"Spit out." Carli gives a light slap behind Drishti's head which makes Drishti look at her.

Drishti gets up from her place and goes near the open window. She looks at the vast sky where small grey clouds are gathering around.

"Kolkata..." She pauses for a second before continuing, "...the palace is at Kolkata. I can't go there."

"Oh. Now, that's some real twist in the plot." Drishti gives an irritated look to Carli which makes a chuckle leave Carli's lips. This makes Drishti even more irritated.

"Okay, Sorry. I didn't mean to irritate you. But now what are you going to do?"

"I don't want to do anything with that place. I may not remember much of it, but whatever I do... it's all bloody." Drishti turns around and leans against the window pane.

"So... the palace?"

"Don't know yet. Maybe sell it or give to any charity or things like that." Drishti shrugs off her shoulder and sighs.

"Hmm... Okay. As you wish. Just don't stress yourself."
Both get lost somewhere in their own worlds until Drishti breaks the silence. "So are you ready for the evening party?"

"Yeah. Kind of. We'll go together, so less boring it'll be hopefully. Before that, I need to visit the hospital."

"Okay. What are the doctors saying?" Drishti asks.

Carli sighs and says, "Same old."

"Let's hope that things will turn around soon. When are you leaving?"

"In an hour." Carli checks her wall clock.

"Okay. You get ready. I'll also go with you." Drishti says and takes her seat on the couch.

Carli nods her head in agreement and goes into her room while Drishti waits for her on the couch in the living room.


"We shouldn't have come here." Carli sighs standing in a corner with Drishti in a crowded party. Youngsters are going around, laughing and talking amidst loud music. Smells of smoke and drinks are roaming in the air.

"I know right. Why did we even come here?" Drishti asks sarcastically.

"True... Why do you think we came?" Carli rubs her chin to feign a thoughtful look. "Maybe because it's our farewell party as college will be saying goodbye to us soon. Don't you think so?"

Drishti rolls her eyes and says, " Finish this drink and let's leave. Such a waste! "

"Waste? What are you wasting? I hope it's not your life." A young girl of around the same age as Drishti and Carli comes in front of them.

Her presence brings a sudden change on the faces of two friends. Carli fists her shivering palms while Drishti grabs them in a firm hold.

"Ignore Luce." Drishti speaks softly yet with a firmness in her voice. Carli walks off keeping the glass on a nearby table on her way.

"Don't Shayla." Drishti says in a low warning tone before following Carli. But to their dismay, Shayla follows them outside.

"Hey Carli! Wait na... Drishti, why are you ignoring me as well? It's not that I've hurt your sister." Shayla's nonchalant tone pisses both the girls. But still they don't retort back and leave the party premise.

"Don't listen to her bullshit. Put your seatbelt on. I'll drop you at your place." Drishti says to a highly agitated Carli while starting the car.

On the other hand, "Ha! Poor Luna. Still asleep due to her nerdy bitchy sis." Shayla shrugs her shoulders off and gets into the hall.

Words : 946
Total words : 2032

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2022 ⏰

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