War day 2- Part 3

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Me and Tokoyami talked about what has just happened while walking back to the base, while I called a meeting for us to regroup and talk about what we'd achieved today.

At the base, I cleaned up, changing back into my daily outfit. I then kept Kyoka company till it was time for our meeting.

-at the meeting-

We sat around the elliptical table and chatted for a bit while waiting for everyone to arrive.

After everyone was settled, I asked for a recount of everyone's day, starting with the Villain to my right, Tokage, aka Peri.

"Well, I have an alibi for the attack earlier, and so does Eventide. We were talking with our friends when it happened, but I'm not sure where Spell-bound and Eretan were during it. Earlier, I killed off a couple of Civilians, I think they may have been friends with the one you killed during the attack, because after they saw me walking around in my costume, they came to me and one asked to be taken out of the game. The others in the group were willing to go with them. Eretan was actually with me during that. He helped me kill them.

V, I still can't believe you actually killed a Hero. It's only the second day!" She exclaimed.

Brutus(Bakugo) cut in with "He actually killed two, Kirishima died before he could get treated. I think Kendo took it hard, she hasn't left her room since she got back"

"They've been told about the DCBs, right?" Spell-bound asked, uncertain.

"I never told them..." Revealed Galva(Kaminari)

We were all rather frantic at the revelation that the Heros likely believed people were actually getting hurt, immediately dropping our villainous personas.

A thought in my mind, I went to Jirou's room and asked for her assistance. As she agreed, we sent her to relay to Iida, the Hero leader, that the deaths and injuries inflicted during this game were not real.

Me and Brutus decided to follow her, and watched her be taken inside, 'rescued' from our grasp. Satisfied with this outcome and the knowledge that no actual deaths would occur, we returned to the meeting.

Once we were once again settled, we started the meeting once more, with Eretan' recount of today's events.

We went, one by one, until everyone had told their pov.

About half an hour later, the meeting was finished, and I took Brutus and Galva to the closet in order to see their costumes.

Galva went first, going into a separate room to change. He came out a few minutes later, dressed beautifully in yellow, gold, and silver. His shirt was a mustard yellow boatneck with 3/4th length sleeves that lightened to a saffron. He wore a galvanized steel muzzle and cuffs. I noticed small places where, if I looked closer, could hold a battery, likely to charge the metal without him needing to use his quirk.

His pants were a dark grey with gold embellishments and silver chains. There were chains all over him, connected to his cuffs and looping around his neck. "These chains are suprisingly light, I don't know what they're made of, but I'm pretty sure they're metal.

It feels pretty cool" Galva said whilst showing off his outfit to me and Brutus. "Why not show off to the others, I'm sure they'd be excited to see your outfit too" I suggested. He rushed to show everyone his costume, leaving me and Kacchan alone.

"Welp, my turn" he said, then swiftly changed into his costume.

He turned slowly, allowing me to see his outfit in it's full glory. He wore a red-violet toga picta embroidered in gold over a white tunic that's also embroidered in gold. His tunic depicted bouquets of Oleander and Bird's-foot Trefoil, while his toga depicted Rue and Tansy flowers along the seams in braided rows. On his head rested a chaplet fashioned from copper in the shape of bay leaves, and plated with gold. The chaplet was a bold orange near the center of each leaf, lightening and turning a true gold at the edges of the leaves.

I stood for quite a while, marveling at his outfit. Eventually, he went to show off his outfit to everyone else, and I decided to just sit and rest for a bit.

725 words this time, sorry it took a while. I love you guys(platonically), and I'm surprised every time I see how popular my dumb little story is getting.

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