5- The Chosen Ones

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The room was filled with my classmates, with Iida, the person chosen to be the Hero leader, picking people for his team.

"Momo, would you like to be my co-leader? I feel it would be a good idea to have two leaders"

"Of course Iida" Momo dutifully replied.

I sat on the common room's couch, watching them discuss who they should recruit.

"I'm going to sit out, y'know, be a citizen. Kacchan's a good choice though, I know he has a temper, but he's good at this kinda exercise." I pipe into their conversation to point out.

"..." They went silent once I spoke, either surprised I was listening or regarding my words.

"Are you sure Midoriya?" Momo asked

"Him or Kaminari" I replied

"I think Bakugo may be a better citizen in this situation, but Kaminari... I'll think on it" Iida said. I felt as though he would likely not heed my words, so I said something I knew would make them listen, make everyone in the room listen.

"Every villain I have studied" holding up one of my notebooks, "has been mistreated by heros like you will be in this exercise." I pointed at the hero leaders "If you reject Katsuki Bakugo based on his temper, he will become a villain." Dropping my hands to my side and walking to the hall to my room I turn back and say "It's just how the story goes.

I'd suggest you heed my words" I say, "or you will face complete destruction"

I head to my room, smiling and giddy towards the chaos I caused from my simple speech. Letting myself fall on my bed, I take out my burner phone and send a message to my teammates in a group chat including all of our numbers including my real phone's number.

"Congratulations, you all are now fully part of the villain team, but we may have new additions as the game goes on. Treat them kindly or I will eliminate you myself.

To all but Bakugo and Kaminari, choose to be a citizen. Bakugo, Kaminari, you two will infiltrate the hero forces and send back information."

A majority replied with a curt affirmation, not wanting to be discovered.

I walked to the support class, knowing that Power Loader, at least, would be hanging around. I needed something from him, specifically, the costumes for my team.

Inside the classroom, I saw just the person I'd hoped to see. He looked at me, unsurprised at my arrival. "Let me guess, costumes?" He asked "Yep, but I want you to have fun making them. I have some notes on the weaknesses and strengths of the people on my team, and I'd like costumes that help combat those weaknesses and hide our identities. Is that alright with you?"

"Well, now I'm intrigued! Me, a support hero, making costumes for a couple of pretend-villains, and the way I want! Kid, you sure about the 'no restrictions' on how I do it?"

I simply nod and hand over my notes. I see his eyes light up seeing the extensive notes.

Longest chapter yet, with 516 words.
It's kinda funny, but I'm hyped for my own story, isn't that weird? Anyway, I'm really enjoying writing this! I hope you enjoy reading it

Our Game of Warजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें