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I asked Aizawa what weapons we could use. He simply listed the strongest and that anything weaker was fair game.

Guns: Airsoft or paintball
Knives: Blunt/rubber
Bows: cannot seriously injure target, rubber/felt arrows
The weapons all followed the same rules- non-lethal and not very dangerous

I left the room once I knew the rules, and messaged the group to meet in the math classroom for a lesson in how to shoot a gun.

Once I was there I told Snipe my plan and we waited for the others to arrive.

When everyone was in the room, we went to a specialized room for testing guns.

It took longer for some of us to learn how to shoot, while others seemed to be naturals.

After a lengthy lesson in how to shoot a gun, I turned to the villains and said

"Let's win this game~"

Kacchan dutifully bowed to me in response "with you leading us, we'll never fail, V~" he said with a sing-song lilt to his voice.

The rest of the villains near rioted in surprise, yelling and vocalizing their surprise at me being their leader

"You were the one who stole my voice changer?!" Shinso exclaimed

"Yep, I wanted to keep my identity secret for the time, and that was the best way to do so."

"But... Why keep it secret?" One villain, Shoda, asked.

"They'd immediately come after me, after us, if I revealed who I was before ensuring that the people I chose, and who chose me, would not betray me." I said in response.

"But what if one of us is a traitor?" Tokage countered, concerned.

"Do you think they'd stick around this long? I know you all saw how carefree the heros are. They believe they will certainly win, so they probably aren't going to do all the little things we're doing, placing spies, training, planning to this degree, getting new costumes. I doubt they are even concerned about the possibility of a turncoat." I say, pointing out the various weaknesses of the heros' grandiosity.

"However, if we have a traitor in our midst," I walk to the airsoft guns laying on a table, pick one up, and turn back around, "I will eliminate them immediately" I say, playing with the gun a bit before laying it back down.

We have 4 days to prepare

Wooo, 392 words bby. Not as long as last chapter, but whatevs.

I'm loving your feedback! It makes me pretty giddy when I realize I have a new comment here

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