What am I talking about?

"You've always been a bad liar."

"Stop talking like you know me Aiden. You made it clear a long time ago you didn't want anything to do with me."

Back to the awkward silence.

I did a pretty good job not to break down crying, But he's the motive not to cry.

I notice that I can see the tallest building of the school and I look at my watch.


There's still so much time. Should I just go to school?

I bite my lip deciding.

I mean it's better than just staying at a park cooking in the heat.

Sure I guess I'll go to school. I can stay in the library all day to avoid everyone. Perfect plan Saramea.

At the streetlight I take a turn. With Aiden still on my heels.


We near the school gates when I'm suddenly stopped.

"Oh my god thank god both of you guys are together I really needed to talk to the both of you!" It was the school councilor.

I turn around and I act shocked that he's behind me.

"What do you mean I've never seen that guy in my whole life?"

She starts laughing.

"Oh don't be like that Saramea I've always seen you guys together when you were tiny you see I use to work at the elementary school you guys went to."

And I thought Aiden was the stalker.

"You guys were so cute, always together and holding hands wherever you went."

"Yeah yeah enough of that. " I look at Aiden just to see him texting. My best bet it was Olivia.

"But anyway I needed to talk to both of you guys
please follow me." How can a person always be smiling like that.

I nodded and we followed her to her office.

Once we made it to her office we both sat on the two chairs at the other side of her desk.

Looks like were about to experience couples therapy.

"So you guys are not in trouble I just need you Saramea to do me a huge favor." She clasps her hands together.

I look at Aiden and at her.

"What is it?" I'm sure it's a big favor her smile dropped a bit.

"As you know Aiden is our best football player and we can't afford him to leave because of his grades again." She leans back on her chair.

"Yeah but what does that have to do with me?"

"I need you do tutor him. I'll have your schedule be changed to his so you can be with him at all times to help him with any needed work. Plus Saramea you're a genius you have all the credits to graduate" she looks down at my transcript.

"I wonder to myself what you're still doing here" she laughs.

"Yeah I wonder the same thing" and I lean back on my chair and cross my arms.

"So what do you say?" Her smile grows.

Spend all my school days with Aiden? Every single class period?!

"Umm theres nobody else to ask?"

"Unfortunately all the girls I've ask did say yes, but in less than 1 hour they came back running to me saying they couldn't."

"But it's only the second day how many girls said no?"


"So I'm just the last option?"  I want to slap myself so hard right now.

"So you'd rather be the first option?" Aiden finally decided to say something, but everything that comes out of his mouth is stupid.

"You shut up I'd rather not be an option at all." I raise my voice a bit.

There was a bit of awkward eye contact with me and Aiden.

"So that's a no?" Mrs. Smith speaks up.

"No wait yes actually what is it in it for me?" I lean forward.

"Well free lunch?"

"Nope." I stand up and start walking towards the door.

"Wait Miss. Anderson!"

I know it's a bit rude but I'm not babysitting a grown boy just for free lunch. Which by the way the lunch sucks.

I'm about to open the door to walk out when Aiden says something.

"Mrs. smith if you don't mind can I have a bit of private chatting with tulip."

That name...

"Well of course you can." She stand up and walks out. Don't think I didn't see that smile plastered on her face.

Once she out I turn around and look at him.


"You're forgetting I have something." And he pulls out his phone.

Please no.

My eyes widen and he seems please with himself that he made me interested now.

He unlocks him phone and I start nearing him.
He shows me the videos of me on the ground crying in math and the video of me jumping out of my window.

I'm guessing he got the crying video of me from Olivia.

"I hate you and your tramp girlfriend."

He smirks and looks up at me.

"So what is this a blackmail?"'

"I guess that's what you can call it." He locks his phone and is about to put it in his pocket when I launch at him.

I land on top of him and he put his arm in the air so I wouldn't reach it.

I will do anything and everything right now to snatch his phone away and break it.

I'll even pay it back full price.

Im on top of Aiden and I mange to grab the phone but he tickles my stomach causing me to laugh and  drop the phone.

We end up in a more weird position than previously and we stare at each other. His eyes move to my lips.

I snap out of it and just as I'm about to get off his lap Mrs Smith decided we already had enough private time and opens the door. It's only been 5 minutes.

"Oh." Is all mrs smith could muster.

I hate him so much.



My three day weekend is almost gone 💔 and school is so boring I literally hate it.

Thank you for reading!!

Love, Ara 💗

Love, Ara 💗

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