Battle Royal *Part 2*

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*3rd Point of View*

Yasuragi laughed at the three of them, who were struggling to get the masks off.

Claire used her shadow magic and easily got the mask of with a small cough while Douxie and Akira looked at her in shock.

Douxie started coughing causing Akira to panic then suddenly the masks disappeared with a small lavender poof.

"That's new...." Akira trailed off, making eye context with Douxie who was just as surprised.

Yasuragi cleared his throat and slithered off of Claire and loosely wrapped himself around Akita's neck, "Oh, that happens when a Morrow feels a sudden panic because their soul—"

Akira chuckled nervously and shushed Yasuragi with her hand, "Don't you dare..." She whispered to him, and the serpent lazily nodded.

Douxie tilted his head at the two of them but shrugged it off, 'It's probably a Morrow thing...I think?'

"There's no sign of Morgana around here." Claire spoke, looking around the area.

"Nothing but unwashed plebeians stuffing their faces, eh, Steve?" Douxie added.

Akira jumped at Steve's voice, "Oh, yeah! A mighty leg for a mighty warrior." Then he started taking pictures with his phone.

She and her familiar deadpanned, "He remembers that we are in the 12th century right?"

"Its Steve. What do you expect?" Claire giggled.

Everyone perked up at the King's words.

Akira crossed her arms, "This could be the prefect opening for Morgana to attack."

But when the knights revealed Bular behind the cloth, everyone jumped back in surprise, Steve screaming like a girl.

Yasuragi scoffed a little, "I was expecting him to be a little scarier to be fairly honest."


While the battles were being held, the group was creating a plan.

"We know Arthur is the main target." Douxie said, "Akira and I will draw stasis traps around the perimeter, put up defensive wards—"

He was cut off by Steve showing him a biscuit like food.

Akira tilted her head as the blonde also gave her one, "Nani kore?"

Douxie shrugged and stuffed the entire thing in his mouth, immediately humming in satisfaction, "I forgot how good these tasted. Akira try it trust me."

Akira scooted away from the two males as they stuffed their face. She looked closely at the biscuit and took a small bite.

After a few seconds her eyes widened and she quickly ate the rest.

"Oishii~" Akira hummed quietly, missing the fact that Douxie was blushing bright red.

Yasuragi gave them a look of disgust and slapped all three of them on the head, "Oi. We're dealing with Morgana right now. We have no time to act like Yokai dancing around."

Akira gave him a glare and pulled down her hakama sleeve with a small huff.

"Why not?" Steve asked dumbly, and Akira elbowed him in the stomach.


The female sighed, "Yasuragi's right. We have no time to mess around. Morgana will find a way into Camelot if we aren't careful."

Claire and Douxie nodded in agreement.


They jumped at the sudden shout of two children playing around near Bular.

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