History in the Making *Part 2*

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*3rd point of view*

Douxie and Akira were running across Camelot, searching for Merlin when they suddenly heard a loud shatter.

"Hisirdoux! Do you have feet for hands? All the Slorr juice?! You know how long it takes to milk one of those?" Merlin scolded.

Akira silently giggled, remembering what had happened and Douxie playfully glared at her.

"Sorry, sir. I was just trying to save time." Past Douxie said in shame.

Past Akira walked in and her eyes widened at the sight of Slorr juice on the floor.

Douxie groaned, "Ugh, that hair was a mistake."

Akira shook her head, 'It was really cute though'

"I remember this..." He added and began mocking Merlin.

Thankfully, Akira was mute otherwise they would have been caught with how much she was laughing.

Past Douxie and Past Akira nodded at Merlin and began cleaning the mess.

Douxie and Akira copied their past outfits, "Well, here's hoping this doesn't break the time-space continuum."

Then they kidnapped their pastselves, pulling them back into the room, Douxie also grabbing Archie.

Past Douxie let out a little yelp and pushed Past Akira behind him, but she was simply staring blankly at Akira.

"Um, hey...me.." Douxie said nervously.

"Aah! Doppelgänger! You-you're me. I'm me!" Past Douxie shouted.

Past Akira shook her head and slapped Past Douxie on the head.

'Do I really hit Douxie that much?' Akita thought kind of guilty.

"No need to panic." Douxie tried calming his past self down as he continued to stutter.

Akira and Past Akira just blinked at each other.

"Wait, this can only mean one thing." Past Douxie said.

"Time Travel Paradox!" Both Douxies said in unison.

"Double Douxies? This is a disaster!" Archie shouted.

Both Akiras sighed, 'I mean....is it really that bad?'

"Give me a break, Arch! Oh wow. This is wild!" The Douxies said in sync.

'Should we call this Sanctuary?' The Akira's thought with a slight blush.

Akira giggled and her hand secretly glowed a light pink.

"Let's focus on here and now." Douxie said trying to get his past self from touching him, "Where having two of us will be a-"

"will be a logistical nightmare." Archie finished his sentence.

"I agree, umm...so the easiest solution-" Past Douxie started.

"Is for two of us to go away till we return to my time." Douxie said while finding his incantation.

"Great Idea! But which one of us-" The Past Douxie gawked while Past Akira sweat dropped.

"Interminus nocti sluumberso!"

'Kototama: Nemuri'

Akira's hand flashed pink in Past Akira's face and she fell asleep, while Douxie used an incantation to make his past self fall asleep as well.

Then they stuffed their past selves in a nearby closet.

"I know this looks bad, but I swear, we've got this under control." Douxie said.

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