History in the Making *Part 3*

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*3rd point of view*

The group ran past Galahad and Lancelot and into the entrance of the dungeon, but Lancelot had caught Steve.

"Oi, Young gentleman of Palchukia, join us in our nocturnal libations."

"We are looking for the Holy Grail!" Galahad rose his cup and chugged it, "Well it's not in that one either!"

Steve chuckled and began to walk over to their table.

"Where do you think you're going, buddy boy?" Archie questioned.

"Dude, I'm keeping the guards busy...while having a righteous time! Ha!" Steve whispered before joining the Knights.

"This is going to end badly. Oh, I can't wait." Archie said to Akira before joining the rest of the group at the dungeons.

*Mini Time Skip*

"Jim!" Claire called out, running towards his cell, with the wizards following in suit.

"we're breaking you out!"

Douxie took out a magic dagger, "Your stay in Terror Tower is over, mate." Then he cut the lock in half, allowing Jim to get out of his cell.

"And presto, one liberated Troll." Archie said

Akira smiled and stuck out her hand towards the other in prisoned trolls and it started to glow purple,

'Kototama: Wareru'

Then all of the prison cell locks were cut in half, giving freedom to the prisoners.

But then Steve gave a song like sentence that meant that Arthur was coming to kill the trolls.

"Now, Now, everyone stay calm-"

Douxie was cut off by the trolls screaming and panicking.

Then they all started to climb the stairs and into the room where the knights and king were.

Akira's eyes widened and she shook her head frantically, 'Wait! Oh no...'

Suddenly, the girl's wrist was pulled along with the trolls. Akira turned her head to see Douxie holding her wrist as they followed the stampede

She blushed but it quickly went away as she took note of the situation at hand.

Then they ran through Camelot, trying to keep up with the escaping trolls.

"Is this part of your plan?" Archie asked.

"I'm improvising!" Douxie shouted back.

"Quick through the alleys! They can't catch all of us!" Callista motioned everyone.

Akira groaned and couldn't help but run ahead of the group. Her physical abilities were much higher than an average wizard for an unknown reason.

"Wait, Akira!" Claire tried to get the girl to slow down, only to be pulled along with Akira.

Douxie shook his head but said nothing, knowing that it was best to trust Akira.

"Wow, Akira is much more motivated in the future." Archie mentioned.

The girls quickly reached the top of the gates.

Then Akira pointed towards the sun, which was rising.

Claire looked down, and saw that the Trolls were trapped and the knights were closing in on them.

Douxie quickly used an incantation to close the gate, keeping the knights away from the Trolls, but they were still trapped.

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