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I wake up look at my clock.

*It's 11:30*
*Shit I'm supposed to meet Michael at the diner in 30 minutes*

I put on some nice clothes, rush and brush my teeth and hair. Run back into my room put on some mascara, blush, and perfume.

I run into the living room give my mom a hug and sprint out the door.

"Have fun on your date honey!" my mom says as I leave. I don't have time to argue right now.

~Michael Afton POV~
It's 11:55 and she's not here yet. Shes just late she's not gonna ditch me
*Todays the day, I'll do it*
*Hopefully it doesn't ruin our friendship.*

I see her. She's walking through the door. Her beautiful H/C hair, her glowing eyes.

When she sits down my heart skips a beat.

"Hi Michael!" her sweet voice is like music
"Hello. I didn't get anything this time since we never end up eating it
~Your POV~
"Do you wanna go somewhere else? We never eat here anyways" I say
"Sure I'm starving"
"How does McDonald's sound?"
"What ever you want to get"

We walk towards the exit and he grabs My hand. My heart skips a beat and he escorts me out of the 'resuraunt'

He's so sweet... maybe my mom was right about him liking me.
But... there's no way. He's so perfect and sweet and I'm me.

--------Mike pov------
I grabbed her hand and she didn't pull it away. That's some progress but it doesn't mean that she actually likes me.
What if she thinks we are holding hands as friends? But who holds hands as friends?

"Hey mike?"
"Do you like anyone?"
Oh shit this is the time to tell her
"Yeah... I do like someone"
-------your pov------
Shit he likes someone else.
"What does she look like?"
"She's someone I just met recently, she's my closest friend at the moment but I don't want to tell her cuz it might ruin our friendship"
-------Mike's pov-----
I see her face drop when I say I like someone. Does she think I like someone else? I really need to just tell her already. But I don't. I stay silent and let her talk while we walk down the streets

"Do you know if she likes you back?"
"Idk. She hasn't really gave me any signs yet."

~5 minute time skip~
~at McDonald's~
-------your pov------
We order our food and sit at our table. Ever since he told me he liked someone else it got really awkward and neither of us talked. We ate our food in silence and just looked at eachother.

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