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"Michael, you're back!" I said happily
"Yeah" he replied 
I could see his sad eyes through his fake smile but I continued to play dumb to make him feel better.

"Let's get you home"
We sneak back out of the kitchen and as we walk to the door someone I've never seen stops us.

"Hey Micheal. What are you doing?"
"Hi Henry, I'm about to walk home"
So Henry is his name
"Who's this girl you have with you?"
"Oh this is y/n"
"Got yourself a girlfriend finally?"
We both share an awkward glance
"No Henry! It's not like that. She is just a friend"
I don't know why him saying that made me feel sad but it did.
"Henry will you do me a favor and not tell my dad about this? He'll freak out if he knew I was walking a girl home"
"Of course buddy, my lips are zipped. But I have to get back to work fredbear has a performance soon"

Finally he walked away and we walked out of the diner. Being under the umberella with Micheal was a little awkward being this close to someone you just met is never comfortable. When we got to my road he stopped.

''I have to go, your mom can't see me"
"It'll be fine Mike. I'll just deal with her later"

He tried to hand me the umbrella and walk away. I grabbed his arm and pulled him back under.

"Its fine. its pouring down rain Michael."
"But what if she sees me?"
" Just walk the rest of the way. She won't care that much, she'll just tease me about it"

We walked the rest of the way to my house. When we got to the door he grabbed my hand.

"How's tommorow sound?"

He grabbed me and hugged me but it was a different type of hug then my other friends give me. I'm probably over thinking all of this

As I walked inside and my mom was waiting at the door.

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