Part 15 - The First Day Away

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It's been about 5-8 hours since George left to go out of town for work. I didn't ask him once to stay, I know what his job entails and how I've got to cope with it. The only thing that scares me is, what happened if he sees a better person?
C'mon now, you know exactly what I'm on about... Everyone knows who and what George Harrison has gotten up to, his ex-WIFE even has said it. Someone he was supposedly, committed to. It will always play in the back of my mind. I can't help that, I think if anyone has been through it before it's always going to be a reminder how how humans can treat one another.

There's not much I can do to distract myself, I'm still working whilst he's away because I believe I can't (and don't want to) rely on him and his wealth. I'm not into him for that.

Something I have done today whilst working, reset the music in the box. I took some of the older Beatles songs and replaced them with music that the guys will enjoy. Bob Dylan, Cream, Plastic Ono band, Rolling Stones, Fleetwood Mac. And many others. Just stuff that the lads could know or relate to, I guess. 'George would definitely be proud of the Bob Dylan display' I say proudly to myself.

Eric was in tonight as usual, he knows George is out of town cause he told me:
"In case you didn't know" to quote him.

He has a few mates with him. Nothing special. They chat for a bit, ask for a game, I decline. Not really in the mood tonight, I just want to get this shift done and get back to George's. Tonight really was slow and boring. Clapton trying to make conversation but I couldn't be bothered. It's reached around 11 after I've stood around doing nothing, messing with music and stock taking, as I said, slow. Clapton comes up to the bar,
"What's up with you love? You've been quiet all night! Not like you" he puts his hand on mine.

"Eh, just boring. Not you! Just been a low day today" I give the excuse. I lift my hand up that's he's resting his on, start to wipe the bar down.

"Right.... You not missing George are you?" He gives me a suspicious look, raising his eyebrows.
"What? No of course not." I try to defend.
"Good, he taken you out yet? Or did he lay the whole routine on you after the other night?" He says flirting.

"Nothing happened, I closed up and chucked him out" I say somewhat coldly.
"He must of been angry?"
"Nah, I think he enjoys the chase..." I trail off, this isn't a lie.

"Your not wrong love, he probs just picked up another girl somewhere to work on, you know how he is.." Clapton's trying to get a ride out of me. I won't let him see me get annoyed.
"Fair enough, he's his own man. Nothing I can do" I say as I try to make myself busy. "Can I get you a drink?"

"Brandy... y'know I wouldn't do that to you. If I did win, and I DID. I would treat you proper, y'know?"
"Okay, but sadly you didn't" if George heard this conversation...

"Sadly?" He questioned.
Fuck wrong word choice there. "C'mon, let me take you out. George won't know! He's not here. He doesn't need to know" he offers. I don't like this conversation, he's coming off as a seedy creep right now.

"Nah I'm alright, but thank you for the offer Clapton, and I'm pretty sure your engaged? You wouldn't want to ruin that would you?" I give him a look. I start to make his brandy.
"What they don't know won't hurt them..." he's quite clearly pissed.

"Sure..." I hand him his drink.
"Cheers doll" grim.
"We're closing in half hour" I say to him. He ignores it and walks to his table, or tries to without falling over. Jesus.
Don't worry Harrison, I won't betray you. Let's hope you wouldn't either...

George's POV:

The first day away is always the hardest, I can tell you this from experience. Whenever I had a girl back home when I was touring with the lads, the pain that was young horny George couldn't help himself. I know that sounds soo bad, but I was young and very reckless. I was never in for long relationships, just a quick fix. I can admit this cause it was a mistake. And I wouldn't ever do it again. I swear!
With meeting after meeting, today felt like it was the longest ever. I want to be in me pub, with my girl. Watching from afar as I always did. Making sure no bloke had a problem with her, she never recognised that I did this. I'm glad she didn't. She doesn't have the protection of me, fuck. Clapton better not fucking start. As karma and the universe would have it, Layla by Cream started to play in the lobby of the hotel I'm staying at. What a fucking coincidence, the universe can be funny at times. This makes my suspicions stronger. I need to call her. I make my way to my room that I checked in to before I had my meetings earlier this morning, unlock the door, chuck my coat and things on my bed and dialled the pubs number. I know she was still working as it was only about 11:15. It rang out for a few seconds, then a bloke picked up. "Hello?"
"Yea hi is Daisy in?"
"Why? What's it to do with you pal?" Must of been one of the older staff, he had a low voice and seemed confused.
"I'm her brother, it's a family matter" I make an excuse on the spot.
"I didn't know she had a brother?"
"Yea well she does" I respond quickly. "Could you just get her on please?"
"Alright mate calm it..."   "Hello?" It was the most familiar voice.
"Hiya love, sorry to call you at work but I wanted to hear your voice"
"Oh hi, you alright? You sound worried?"
"Yea yea I'm fine now. Everything alright at work? Is Eric in? He's not messing with you is he? If he is I will fucking ki-"
Daisy cuts me off. "What?! Your talking too fast. Calm down, everything's fine, your so dramatic" she laughs. Her laughs calm my anxiety. "I can't talk long as my colleague is a dick. Give me 30 mins and call your house phone alright?"
"Yea okay, speak to you soon, get home safe" the line ends.
Hmm, still not sure. I pace my room. Thinking over the conversation. I might've come on strong.
I wait until 12. She will be home by now, in the protection of my house.....

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