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BONUS ~ traitor

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noun ~ a person who betrays someone or something


The front gate was hard to bypass. They laced it with silver and a coded lock. We mounted the wall instead. The two wolves that remained on lookout stayed shifted and creating a ladder system by standing on their hind legs. In our human form, the rest of us shifted and climbed their bodies.

We could run fast, sure, tear down enemies with one bite, sure, but jump? Now that was an interesting one. We could jump far, just not high. This wall had to be fifteen feet tall, something we definitely cannot jump over. Call it a wolf's weakness... Jumping!

I chuckled to myself as I pulled myself over the wall and dropped into the deep snow on the other side. My smirk died on my face as quickly as it came, the cold, wet snow soaking into my skin.

I hate snow.

I grumbled, standing up and shaking my arms and body from the clumping ice. Once everyone was down, I rounded them up.

"We take down any enemy until we come across where they are keeping our Luna." I announced, glancing at Alessea.

I was in charge of this group, but Phoenix told me to monitor the Cyrus Lycans. She shuddered as a cold ice blast hit her, but nodded along with the others.

"Good. Let's move."

We kept close to the buildings, walking through small plazas and gardens covered in snow. We came across the first enemy within a couple of minutes; I held my hand up, peering around the building. The figure was dressed in black, standing out brightly against the snow. They wore a weird ass balaclava on their face.

Where had Phoenix brought me? To a cult?

I decided to take this one down myself. Making everyone stay on standby, I slunk forward. Jumping on them from behind, I wrapped my hands around their neck and twisted. The satisfying snap of vampire neck shattered beneath my hands and I dropped their head to the floor. The wind had been to wild to notice before, but as I stared down at the dead body; I knew it was only one thing.

'Alpha. Vampires.' I thought about informing him.

'I thought so.' He grumbled.

I thought so.

I snorted, cocky much?

Too deep in my own thoughts, something suddenly tackled me from behind. I sank all the way into the snow and whoever had me pinned forced the snow over my face, hoping to make me suffocate. A large shrill siren sounded, filling the air and making me wince.

Great. More vamps.

I swatted them blindly, my claws elongating to slash at their skin. Their blood hit my nose, informing me they were a rogue wolf. They were teaming? That was surprising.

I threw the rogue from my body and hastily sat up from the snow. Wiping it from my eyes, I gasped for breath. Damn thing nearly made me eat snow.

My wolf was bristling, ready for the challenge now. As more vampires and wolves came running from many buildings, I felt my hands ache with the need to kill. These wolves took Nova, damn nearly killed me and Pollux, and caused my best damn friend to go psycho. Phoenix hardly went psycho anymore. He was usually calm and collected.

Time for me to go psycho. I mused, charging into the enemy.

My hands sunk into flesh, fighting off whoever and whatever I could as my group battled on around me. I felt blood spray me as I sank my hand into one wolf's chest. A sickening grin formed on my face as their body dropped to the ground.

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