7. Papa

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S3 E9 "Save Henry"

"The Pixie Woods." I said.

"The Pixie Woods. That's where he is?" Regina asked.

"It's where the Pixie dust used to grow, just north of here." I said. "I can take you there."

"No need, I know where it is." Killian said. "No one but Pan has set foot in those woods in centuries."

"Then let's make history." Baelfire said.

"We're gonna need you here." Emma said to him. "Once we get Henry's heart, uts gonna be a race back. We need help on both ends."

"Okay." Baelfire said.

"What do you need from us?" David asked.

"Let's gather up the Lost Boys and get them on board the Jolly Roger." Baelfire said. "Prepare the ship to fly."

"Let's hope you have a Pegasus sail, otherwise we're at the mercy of the trade winds." Killian said.

"Pan's Shadow's in here. It'll get us home." Baelfire said. "Ad long as your ship holds together."

"Well, as long as your plan holds together, she will." Killian said, walking over to me.

Being abroad the Jolly Roger again was something I had only dreamed about. The Lost Boys were taken under deck, Felix left on deck so we could keep an eye on him. I helped Killian set sail and get the Jolly Roger far away from land.

Emma, Mary Maragret and Regina, who had gone to stop Pan and get Henry's heart back, joined us when we were ready to leave.

I stood with Killian and watched as Henry's heart was returned to his body. Everyone was silent for a moment, waiting for something to happen.

He suddenly woke up and hugged Emma and Regina, looked shocked.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, take it easy, buddy." Baelfire said.

"I'm sorry. I wanted to save magic." Henry said.

"It's okay. It's okay." Emma said.

"I wanted to be a hero." Henry said.

"Hey, there's plenty if time for that." David said.

"But now it's time to rest." Mary Margaret said.

"Welcome back, young sir." Killian said. "Only the best for our guest of honour, don't you think? Captain's quarters."

"Come on. I'll tuck you in." Regina said.

Regina took Henry below deck to get some rest while Baelfire opened Pandora's Bow to free our father who was trapped inside. He appeared in front of us, looking confused by his surroundings.

He looked older than when I last saw him, less scaly too. He looked at Baelfire first and his face lit up.



The two hugged quickly.

"Where's Henry?" Papa asked.

"He's safe. He's safe." Baelfire said.

"I told you I wasn't gonna hurt the boy." Papa said.

"I know, I'm sorry." Baelfire said. "Why did you tell me Pan was your father?"

"Becuase I didn't want you to know that I was as bad a father as he was." Papa said. "Becaase we're both the same, me and him. Because we both abandoned our sons."

"No. You're not the same." Baelfire said. "You came back for me, Papa." The two hugged again and I saw how happy they looked to be together again.

"Where's Ryler?" Papa asked, letting go of Baelfire.

"I'm right here." I said.

Papa turned to face me and a smile grew on the face. He too a step forward and I drew the sword tied to my belt, pointing it at his neck.

"Take another step and I'll take you head off." I warned. People started yelling and I heard Killian shout my name

"Ryler, it's me, your father. Your Papa." He said.

"You were never a real father to me." I said.

"Listen to me -"

"I don't want to hear an apology!" I snapped. "You think you can make up for what you did to me? You think I can forgive you?" Killian appeared and put a hand on my shoulder. "No, no, you don't get me back because you did something good."

"Ryler ..." Killian said, reaching his hand toward the sword. "Don't." I loosened my grip and let him take the sword from me.

Not able to stand the sight of Papa any more, I crossed the boat to stand the other side, staring out at the water.

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