6. Introductions and Reunions

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S3 E9 "Save Henry"

"Wake up, Ryler." Someome said as the shook my shoulder. I opened my eyes and saw a familiar man leaning over me.

"Killian?" I asked.

"Hey, love." He said.

"Killian!" I cried, sitting up quickly and throwing my arms around his shoulders, hugging him tight. "Is it really you?"

"It is." Killian said, hugging me back.

"I missed you." I said, letting go of him.

"I missed you too, kid." Killian said.

"What happened?" I asked, looking over at the Lost Boys who were all awake and tied up.

"Pan, he took Henry." A woman said.

"Who are you?" I asked, standing up.

"I'm Mary-Margaret." She said. "And this is my husband, David." She looked at the man beside her. "It's great to finally meet you."

I nodded, looking up at Killian, who smiled and put a hand in my shoulder.

"They're back!" I looked over and saw Tinker Bell was also in the camp.

Three adults walked into camp, one of them carrying a sleeping Henry on his shoulder.

"What happened?" Mary-Margaret asked, standing up.

"Pan got Henry's heart." The blonde woman said.

"Ryler?" The man carrying Henry asked.

"Who are you?" I asked, taking Killian's extended hand and letting him pull me to my feet.

"It's me, Baelfire." He said, lying Henry down on a bed that bad suddenly appeared.

"Baelfire?" I asked.

He ran up to me, whisking me off my feet in a tight embrace. I hugged him back, not wanting to let go.

"You grew up." I said when he out me down.

"Yeah, I did." Baelfire said.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"We came to save Henry." Baefire said.

"How do you know Henry?" I asked.

"He's my son." Baelfire said.

"You have a son?" I said, looking over at Henry.

"I do." Henry said. "This is Emma, Henry's mother." He looked at the blonde woman.

"Hi." Emma said.

"We're Emma's parents." Mary Margaret said.

"And this is Regina, Henry's adoptive mother." Baelfire said. "And Mary-Margaret's step-mother."

"What?" I asked, very confused.

"We don't have time for introductions and reunions." Regina said, kneeling down next to Henry.

Regina, Emma, and Baelfire explained what had happened with Peter, and i learnt that my father was here too.

"Gold is I'm a box?" Mary Maragret asked. "Then David can never leave the island."

"Mary Margaret, that doesn't matter." David said. "I've leady made peace with that. What matters is Henry. How much time do we have?"

"Maybe an hour before the preservation spell wears off." Regina said.

"If he's airborne, he could be anywhere on the island." Baelfire said.

"An hour isn't much time. I suggest we get started looking." Killian said.

"Where is he?" Regina demanded, marching over to Felix.

"Gone." Felix said. "There's nothing you can do. He's already won. Pan never fails."

"You won't talk? How about i make you talk?" Regina threatened.

"Regins, wait." Emma said, stopping her.

"There's no time." Regina said.

"I don't think torture is our best move here." Emma said. "Look at these kids, they've they've to hell and back  we need to try something else."

"Yeah, we tried the cute and cuddly. They don't respond to reason." Regina said. "What else do you have to offer?"

"What every kid wants. A mother." Emma said, walking over to the boys. "Guys, listen to me. We are not gonna hurt you. I know you're loyal to Pan. And I get that. But you are making a terrible mistake. For a long time I thought I was never gonna find my family. I was an orphan, like all of you. A Lost Girl. And I was reminded today that I am not alone. That i have a lot of people that love me, and I never thought that was gonna happen. If that can happen to me, it can happen to you."

"Pan is the only family we need." Felix said.

"No. Family doesn't do what he did." Emma said. "Pan lied to you and made you do terrible things. He lied to Henry to convince him to give up his own heart."

"To save the island." Archie said.

"No, to save himself." Emma said.

"Don't listen to her. Pan cares about all of us." Felix said.

"No, he doesn't." I said.

"We care about you and we can save you." Emma said. "We can take you home with us, to our land. There's no reason to fear Pan anymore. Until he absorbs the power from Henry's heart, he can be stopped."

"You just have to tell us where he is." Mary Margaret said.

"Leave now, while Pan still allows you to breath." Felix said. "That's the only help you'll get."

"Where is Pan?" Emma asked.

"Not telling." Felix said.

"You can really help them?" I asked.

"Shut your mouth!" Felix snapped.

"Yes. With your help." Emma said, standing in front of me.

"His thinking tree." I said.

"No!" Felix shouted.

"What is that?" Emma asked.

"His place to go when he needs to be alone." I said. "It's not far from here."

"No, don't trust her!" Felix said.

"You promise to take these boys with you, to give them a home?" I asked.

"I promise." Emma said. "We're all going home."

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