"Tune in- it's on TV every night." Jin cracked a smile.

"Wait why am I the side chick?"

"Are you really asking me that?" Mina questioned with a smile.


"The jealous ex?"

"Oh come on Joonie it's such an interesting role."

"Okay Noona. Anything for you." He chuckled, as Mina ruffled his hair.

"Bros before hoes?" Taehyung and Jeongguk giggled at her bold words, as Hoseok shook his head disapprovingly.

"How dare you curse in front of the kids? Now they've learnt a bad word."

She scoffed. "Little hypocritie- You, Yoongi, and SeokJin should be the last people in the world asking me such a thing. Y'all have a degree in cursing like sailors."

"I do not." SeokJin let out with an offended look.

"Don't deny it Seokballs."

"S-Seo- Excuse me?! What the actual fuck-"

"SEOKBALLS!" Namjoon feel to the floor laughing, as Hoseok and Yoongi held onto each other for support- Taehyung and Jeongguk blinking awkwardly, as Jin let out a huff.

"Now now kids- that's enough comedy for now. Let's get going- we already wasted half an hour."

 "Pardon?" SeokJin questioned softly, as Bang PD stared at them

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"Pardon?" SeokJin questioned softly, as Bang PD stared at them.

"Like I said, I want you two to test your new member, and decide which role he's fit for."

"With all due respect Sir, even we don't have assigned contributing positions to the group yet. How should we...." Mina trailed off, looking at Jin for help.

"I agree with Mina Noona, sir. Not to mention, we haven't attended his audition either. We have absolutely no idea what his skills are."

"That's why I want you two to look over his audition tape- and tell us which position he's fit for."

"Alright...." The two agreed, exchanging reluctant gazes.

 "That's more suspicious that Yoongi saying that he's never watched porn before

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"That's more suspicious that Yoongi saying that he's never watched porn before."

Seokjin let out a chuckle, shaking his head at his bold teammate.

"No seriously- I find it physically impossible for people to be THAT innocent. Like- you're literally taught about the peaches and eggplants in 5th or 6th grade. My sex education teacher had us watch a whole animation about it. He also sent something in the mail for my father. When he came back home at night, he had rounded up everybody, and he was like....honey your teacher sent me this- he said we should watch it together with you. Imagine my surprise and slight embarrassment when it turned out to be a porn video."

"No way!" Jin let out in disbelief, immersed in the story.

"Yes way. Then everybody excused themselves, and told me to watch it by myself."

"Did you?"


SeokJin gave her a wide eyed look.

"Can't say I regret it- it was actually interesting."

The male proceeded to choke on his spit, as Mina patted his back, waiting for him to calm down.

"Gross but interesting. Like the process of baby making is just so....funny to me for some reason. It's hilarious in a way. I do wonder though- is it pleasurable? Or is it like so painful that you begin to enjoy the pain after getting used to it? Doesn't that make us masochists? Also, does it make you sensitive afterwards? I mean like- is it even worth it? Are humans really feeling pleasure from such an action, or is it the thought of it that's so amusing? I have so many question left unanswered."

SeokJin almost laughed at that moment. Lee Mina was unlike anybody he met before. She boldly expressed her thoughts and feelings that of course were deemed inappropriate, but SeokJin didn't mind. It didn't seem strange to him at all. They were just a year apart anyways- she was still counted in his age group.

She was just so interesting. Her questions were asked with such a serious tone, and she looked extremely innocent whole asking, as though she was really curious- which she probably is.

SeokJin sighed. He wished that there were more people like Mina. Others may call her shameless, but Jin sees it as pure curiosity. There should be nothing wrong with being yourself, and expressing your thoughts- but society held different beliefs unfortunately.

While she continued to rant, Jin made a promise to himself. In the near future, he will work hard to show everybody that it's okay to be yourselves- he will show everybody self love, and how to spread positivity. The world seems to really need it.

Mina stopped, as she gasped.

"What's up?"

"I just realized something, Jinnie. Taehyung-ssi.....he.....he didn't question me at all.....he didn't seem to find it weird that there was a girl in the group." She mumbled lightly.

SeokJin smiled as he nodded. "Well....it's not really weird."

"Shut up little hoe, that's not what you were thinking when you first met me."

Jin giggled. "Okay....yes I suppose that it is a bit weird- but that's what's so fun about our group and lives."

"You're right. You all would've been bored without me." She laughed jokingly, before her eyes lit up.

"Kim Taehyung....he sure is a hidden gem. I believe that him being our teammate is one of the greatest occurances. He seems like he's such a sweetheart- not to mention, he's the closest in age with Ggukie. Maybe he could help him get out of his shell! Though....he seemed really uncomfortable around me-"

"Yeah well- you seem to have a talent of scaring and making people uncomfortable." The two flinched, as they turned around seeing Hoseok with a smile.

"Ah Jung Hoseok- why must you always do this? I'll have my revenge!"

"Whatever you say, Noona. I came to find you guys- it's time for lunch, and the younger ones seek fresh meat." He replied dramatically.

"First person that comes through that door is the fresh meat."

"You're disturbing, Noona."

"Your life is disturbing."

Jin laughed, as he watch the two banter, following them with a light smile.

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