Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 Love One Leaf

    As the name suggests, one leaf of love refers to the leaf related to the word love. Once this leaf appears, it means that Sancai has given birth to the ability to perceive the seven emotions and six desires of mortals.

    So it grows from an old man to a child, and it starts to grow from the emotions that the child can perceive. As the more emotions it can feel, the leaf will also change.


    Qu Zhong pointed to the white leaf and suddenly realized: "It means that you are actually similar to white paper now."


    Sancai blinked her eyes, and her pink lips opened and closed, spitting out a person. Saying that, Qu Zhong looked at him dumbfoundedly, with a feeling of deja vu.

    Slap -

    slapped hard twice, Qu Zhong, who finally remembered, pointed at Sancai and laughed excitedly: "You are like a ginseng doll that often appears in TV dramas."

    Sancai: "..."

    "Haha! The more you look."

    Qu Zhong was still laughing while covering his stomach, Sancai had silently retracted the purple blade boat, and his round eyes silently glanced at the silly master, who saw that someone was already approaching not far away.

    "Qu Zhong, what are you laughing at?"

    Duan Yu stood far away and heard Qu Zhong's laughter. Out of curiosity, he hurriedly carried his hoe to watch the excitement. He didn't expect to see the embarrassed look he had no time to take back when he walked in front of him. .

    "I remembered some fun things from the past." Qu Zhong made up a

    random reason, and Qu Zhong bowed his head embarrassedly and typed haha, and suddenly saw a few silver carp in his hand, he quickly pointed to the fish and asked Duan Yu for credit: "Uncle Biao, Look at the fish I caught in the pond on the mountain."

    "Ho!" Duan Yu's eyes lit up, and he stared at the rare big fish: "There are still such big fish in this mountain."

    " Yeah, I was surprised too."

    Qu Zhong lifted the straw rope, and the fishes immediately began to struggle. Even if they had been out of the water for so long, they didn't seem to lack oxygen at all.

    "It's really a wild guy, look at this dance!"

    "I would cook two braised fish for dinner to entertain my cousin."

    "Then I can enjoy it." I

    had long forgotten what I came here for. , Duan Yu just talked to Qu Zhong about the way of fish, and his face smiled like a chrysanthemum, but he never stretched out.

    Qu Zhong nodded his head, his eyes kept watching the workers weeding, the weeds were all cut off, and the terrain in the valley suddenly became intuitive.

    Standing on the top of Yunshan Mountain and looking at the entire valley, I thought it was a large flat land, but now that the soil surface is exposed, I find that the land on the east side is about half a meter higher than the west side, and the small river crossing the land just becomes the dividing line.

    "By the way, I was just about to ask you what to do with that big tree over there."

    Duan Yu took his words about the fish and asked Qu Zhong, pointing to a huge cherry tree in the middle of the eastern plot. At least a hundred years of history, at this time, the branches are already covered with green-yellow fruit, which will ripen in less than two months.

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