Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 Planning Begins

    The layout of the Xia family is the most common three-bedroom and two-living room. The living room is occupied by a large area of ​​treasure racks, all of which are antiques and ornaments.

    Xia Jiang kept turning the brown walnut in his hand, and he said with a smile in the grunt: "I heard your grandfather said, you will live at home for the past two days, and let Xiazhou help you run errands.

    " Then I can only thank Grandpa Xia first." Qu Zhong glanced at Xia Zhou, who was dumbfounded, and turned to the decoration company.

    "Well, Zhou Zhou's comrade seems to have a decoration company, let him find it for you." Xia Jiang looked at Xia Zhou, the latter's smiling face stiffened, and he immediately sat up straight.

    "I will definitely handle this matter." Xia Zhou solemnly promised.

    "If Xiazhou is not satisfied, uncle and I also have a few friends of architects." Xiazhou's father inserted into the topic with a wink.

    With the attitude of the father and son, a discerning person can see the order of the family's family status at a glance.

    Qu Zhong quickly patted his head with a smile, and apologized with a smile: "Xiazhou said it on the way I came, but I forgot."

    Xia Jiang finally nodded with satisfaction, and started to turn the pair of walnuts with his right hand, and Grandma Zhao also took the opportunity. Interjected in, and greeted Qu Zhong with a good meal to dispel the cold.

    Qu Zhong has been answering Grandma Zhao's questions gently, and out of the corner of his eye, he can see that Xia Zhou is finally relieved, and leans back on the back of the chair again.


    The company opened by Xiazhou's comrade-in-arms is not so much a company as it is a facade. It doesn't even have a door. If it wasn't for Xiazhou to lead the way, he would definitely not have thought that there is such a decoration company behind the green belt.

    Walking in, the storefront of more than 30 square meters was crowded with samples of various decoration materials, and a dark-skinned young man was calling loudly.

    The young man was tall, with neat short hair, and his back was straight even when he was sitting.

    Listening to the content of the phone should be asking for an account, even though he looks tall and big, he speaks in a gentle manner and his tone is very gentle.

    Seeing someone walk into the store, he looked up subconsciously, it seemed that the person was an acquaintance, he just pointed to the sofa on the left, and continued to ask the other party to pay the balance in a good voice.

    Qu Zhong sat down, turned his head and looked around at this too narrow shop.

    "I'm sorry, there's been some chaos in the store recently." Hanging up the

    phone, the young man spoke, wondering if he was explaining to Xia Zhou or talking to him.

    When Qu Zhong turned to look, Xia Zhou had already put on his shoulder with a smile: "This is the friend Qu Zhong I mentioned to you."


    "Hello, my name is Lin Feng." Young The man smiled honestly, revealing neat and white teeth.

    The two exchanged a few words, and Qu Zhong brought the topic into the map and planning book that he brought. Lin Feng's expression was shocked, and he hurriedly sat on the sofa opposite the coffee table.

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