Chapter 68

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Chapter 68

    Unexpectedly, as soon as he got in the car, Song Li re-entered the navigation. Ji Liang saw that the address he entered was the name of a cold drink shop.

    "You drink less coffee every day, it's not good for your stomach." Ji Liang reminded, but he still obediently drove his car to the vicinity of the beverage store.

    Song Li opened the car door and instructed Ji Liang to wait here.

    Watching his wife trot all the way in high heels a few centimeters high, Ji Liang was still a little puzzled. It was only eight o'clock sharp, and there were still two hours before the magazine's work time.

    Song Li hurriedly urged him to go out, wondering if there was something important.

    But soon he knew he was wrong, Song Li walked towards him across the green belt with several drinks in both hands.

    "You got up so early to buy... drinks?" Ji Liang was helpless.

    "This is for you, remember to drink it!" Song Li handed him two glasses of juice and slammed the car door.

    Song Li didn't even reply to Ji Liang's words, and went to the office humming a song in a good mood.

    Today, she bought the strawberry yogurt she was thinking of, what is it two hours early.

    Originally thought that he was the first person to arrive at the office, but when Song Li went up to the third floor, he realized that several people had already come to the office.

    Among them, Jiang Jiang's voice was the loudest: "I said it was the credit of the kiwi juice, you believe it now."

    "What do you say." Song Li hummed a song to show everyone her achievements today: "I bought each of them. A cup."

    Jiang Jiang turned his head, pointed to the empty cup on his table and said with a smile, "I'll wait for the people to drink the first cup I bought when I opened the door." As he spoke, he rubbed his stomach with a look of energy. Sample.

    This is the first time Song Li has seen Jiang Jiang in such high spirits. She turned on her computer and asked curiously, "Why are you so happy?"

    "Jiang Jiang has been constipated for two days, and today he was relieved by this cup of kiwi juice." Another colleague explained right away.

    "Don't tell me, I've been drinking orange juice for two days in a row, and I feel like my skin is much smoother."

    "You're doing it in your heart." Song Li poured a basin of cold water with a smile, and he opened it swiftly with his hands and feet. the lid of the orange juice.

    People are so strange, she said that she didn't believe in the magical effect, and then began to look in the mirror subconsciously.


    tacitly laughed at her when they saw her. Jiang Jiang was the most exaggerated: "If you don't believe it, then what's the matter with you buying so many cups."

    "I just think it's healthier than coffee." Song Li is still there Hard-mouthed.

    But after all, she had a strong interest in the purchase channels of folk drinks. In the morning, she paid special attention to the advertising advertisements on the TV, and did not find any clues.

    Unexpectedly, there are more than one person in the office who has the same doubts as her.

    Jiang Jiang stretched his neck and asked Song Li, who was far away from him, "Song Li, do you know the purchase channel of Minyin?"

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