Chapter 108

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Chapter 108 One Update

    It was said that they wanted to give back to the fans, but when a few people started to think about what to give, they had some difficulties.

    Whether it is vegetables and fruits, it is easy to be damaged during the express delivery, and the chickens, ducks and fish that are raised at home are also unable to be transported.

    In the end, Qu Zhong suggested that the garden will be closed recently. There are a lot of fruits in the mountains, and they can be made into canned fruits. As for chickens and ducks, they can be vacuum-packed and sent away.

    With a lot of dried mushrooms and some wild tea from last year, we can make up a lot of things.

    A lot of things can be made up, but... it's quite troublesome to do.

    Xiazhou said with confidence: With the support of fans, these are not difficult.

    So Qu Zhong asked him to buy glass bottles for canning, vacuum bags for packing food, and some machinery and equipment.

    After he was busy picking the late tomatoes in the field next to him, he turned the field to plant another watermelon, and of course the goods from the confinement center, he also had to make a trip.

    As for Lu Jun, Qu Zhong asked him to follow Xia Zhou as a helper.

    Without the presence of the two of them, he could even ask Hanako to help with divine power, which was even more efficient than the two of them.

    In this way, the three soldiers divided into two groups and began to work on their own different things.

    Zhang Chaoyang felt distressed that the three of them were so busy that their feet did not touch the ground every day. Every day at dawn, they came to Duan’s house to help a few people cook and wash their clothes.

    After being busy for a whole week, the work in the field was finally completed, and Qu Zhong began to prepare the goods for the confinement center non-stop.

    Xiazhou and Lu Junren were still in the same prefecture and did not return. I heard that they wanted to buy a dryer for dried fruits and vegetables.

    After everything was ready, he simply didn't drive his own car, and went to deliver the goods together in Brother Zhang's truck.

    On the way, he checked the list again, and Qu Zhong finally let out a long breath and stretched out his body.

    "Qu Zhong, I went back and discussed it with your sister-in-law Zhou." Seeing that Qu Zhong didn't mention work, Brother Zhang took the initiative to open his mouth: "Your sister-in-law and I are willing to work in your orchard, and I also brought my little car with me. The truck can help you pull goods or something."

    "That's a good feeling, I'll go back later to see which house I want to live in, and move in when I find a time." Qu Zhong smiled back.

    Brother Zhang nodded his head a few times, and smiled: "Your sister-in-law Zhou is still talking about asking the boss to learn from you."

    Since the boss of the Zhang family was mentioned, Qu Zhong asked him about his current physical condition by the way.

    "The doctor said that the child can actually walk, it's him... hey!" Brother Zhang's brows almost twisted into twine when he mentioned the eldest of the family.

    He glanced at Qu Zhong, who was silent, and then explained.

    Although the child could only rely on a wheelchair to move around because of a car accident, but after years of rehabilitation, he can actually stand up and move around.

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