Chapter 9. Explanations and Pool Parties.

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" Don't even bother. If you're anything like these two then your eyes will be wet again," she warns us. She pointed to Zhou mi and Siwon-hyungs who were standing behind her. ( A/N just copied the paragraphs from a couple of chappies ago )

" Where do I start? Well, I was born in Seoul, Korea. I was happy with my mother and father. It was all perfect. But when I turned four years old, my father was diagnosed with a very rare type of bone cancer. He was fighting for a year. He was so brave and strong for all of us. My mom and I and himself too even though he knew he wouldn't make it. And he was right. When I turned five years old, he died," she paused choking up a little. " Even at five years old, I noticed the silence that filled the house. Mom didn't look as happy anymore. Then, suddenly she moves the both of us to London to "have a new life" but honestly? I think that being near father would make her even more depressed. I was the only asian at my schools and I was always bullied for it. When I was 9 my mom was remarried. My step-dad was nice and all. He even had a little boy who was just the cutest thing. Life was happy, perfect even. There were days when I would miss my father but I was never really alone."

" Until...The anniversary of my fathers death. We were all in the car when suddenly an eighteen wheeler barrels into us. We spin off to the side until we stopped at the edge of a highway. A bust street right underneath us. Only 20-30 ft. below. I could still feel the glass piercing my arm and face. A piece of the door broke and pierced my lung and back. I don't even know how I'm still alive. Then, our car fell. We fell onto the busy street. Almost like real life pin ball. We were pushed and shoved by other cars coming to a stop when the car in front of us had the decency to stop and call for help. I still remember going in and out of consciousness. I wake up in an all white room with tubes and needles poking me. Strangers all around saying that I was lucky to even survive. That my lung wouldn't work properly but I would still live. I wasn't lucky. My loved ones were dead. I was all alone. I had to live with my Aunt and Uncle and they didn't even care about me. When Auntie was mad, she would scratch, slap, or dig her nails in me. When Uncle was mad, he would get his still lit cigar and drive it into my side and neck. They never loved me. They almost seemed to take joy into abusing me every single day. And school was the same at home. I didn't have a single friend and there were still the bullies who hated me for my race. I was called fat, ugly, that my mom never loved me. That I caused her so much pain that she decided to kill herself on my father's anniversary. And for a long time, I believed every single word. Every comment, I would self harm. One cut for every insult, every word," she paused to show us her wrists. There were so many and I was only counting one wrist. God, spare us if we had caused any.

" I ran away from my Aunt and Uncle when I was 15. I had to get a job and support myself to this day. I had to pay rent, pay for my school funds, food, everything. The only reason I'm here today was that I was broke and that I would have to become homeless because I couldn't pay rent. Sora-unnie was my only friend and we didn't even see eachother or talk to eachother face to face. Only by email. Sad, huh? She was and is my light. My savior. I would've given up a long time ago if it wasn't for her to keep on pushing me to live on." She paused to wipe away a stray tear.

" In my life, whenever I have a good thing, something bad always has to happen. That's just how it works in the miserable life of me...until you guys came into the picture. I never stopped smiling since I came to stay here and meet you guys," she said finally looking up at all of us. We all were crying with snot dripping down our faces, hot stears streaming down our faces but none of us making a sound. Minae's face just remained impassive. Kyuhyun and Henry-hyung was looking at her in pity. She turned her brown eyes towards us in a stone hard stare.

" Don't any of you dare give me pity. I hate people looking and giving me pity. Feeling sorry for me isn't going to change anything that's happened so don't even try it," she said. We all nod absentmindedly.

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