chapter 3

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"Get up." Someone said. "What happened." Beloniil said rubbing his head. "Another day of you drinking yourself to death." A man said. "And another brawl." "Ah shut up." Beloniil said grabbing a chair for support. It had been one year since the death of his beloved Lydia, and Beloniil had taken it horribly, he only killed dragons out of sadness and drank, and fight anything that dared to challenge him. If one were to look into his house in Markarth(He moved there) that person would find the skulls of whoever challenged him mounted to the wall. Beloniil also had to cope with his son who moved out to join the college of winterhold which now taught other subjects. "Kleppr... bring me some argonion bloodwine would ya?" Beloniil asked drunkenly. "100 gold... and you have that fat backside of yours up off the ground and show me your sober enough to walk." Beloniil tried to do that, but he fell down onto his chair. "See? go home, you broken shell off a man." Kleppr said snidely. Beloniil slapped five hundred gold on the table. "I said... bring me an argonion bloodwine." Beloniil said attempting to intimidate as well as bribe. "Not on your life sport." Kleppr said cleaning a glass. "Or then it literally would be your life." Beloniil slapped down another 500 gold, but Kleppr just laughed. "You think i am going to let you do this? i used to call you a friend... Everyone did, and does, but the few you cared back for are gone... and you still want to do the one thing she would forbid you of doing?" Kleppr asked. Beloniil scowled and took his gold back home. Everyone scattered trying to avoid the dragonborn. "YOU'LL BE GOOD FEEDING!" a vampire shouted busting through the doors. Beloniil evaded and slit the throat of the vampire. "Hm not bad." a gravelly voice said. Beloniil turned around and saw an Orc in what seemed to be white armor of some sort. "Care to join the Dawnguard? Vampire hunters." He said. Beloniil stared at him. "Time for a new change." Beloniil thought. "Where do i sign up?" Beloniil said. The orc smirked. "South west, i'll mark it for you... The dragonborn will be a great addition."

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