chapter 6

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"A dozen skeletons and a dragon priest, perfect!" Beloniil said. "These are tougher then your average skeleton look!" Serana hissed pointing at their armor. "What in oblivion's name!." Beloniil said attemping to knock ones head off and failing. "They're almost 100 times more powerful!" Serana said draining the power while shooting lightning at one. "Stand back!" Beloniil said casting duo thunderstorm. "WHOA! NICE!" Serana called over the loud power that shattered the skeletons. "SKULDAFN!" The dragon priest said making a barrier. "Distract him." Beloniil said diving to the shadows. "What does he expect to get from this?" Serana said. "HEY! YOU! UNDEAD PRIEST IN THE DRESS!! "Niidro moriis!" The priest called back. "Dir!! HAHA-" The priest suddenly went stiff and fell from the air and crumbled to dust. "Nighty night" Beloniil said appearing from the shadows grinning. "Nice!" Serana said admiring his stealthy manner. "Okay I'm gonna check the dragon wall." Beloniil said casually. "Whatever floats your boat, only the dragonborn could read that gibberish." Serana said walking up the steps. "I am dragonborn." "OH! SO THAT'S HOW YOU FREED ME!" Serana said realizing it. "Yeah anyway." Beloniil said reading the wall. "There we go!" Beloniil raided a nearby chest and they left. "Good to feel fresh air again." Serana said admiring the view. "Even this weather is good to me." "Is any weather good for you?" Beloniil said smirking. "Point taken, anyway lets go." Serana said. After a few hours they made it to the docks. "Wait?" Beloniil said noticing Serana was patting an object. "Is that an... Elder scroll?" "Yes... d it's mine." Serana said strictly. "How did you get it?!" Beloniil asked. "It's... Complicated, look can we talk about it later?" Serana said. Beloniil decided to pursue the subject no further, but he still kept a close watch. "Ladies first." Beloniil said grinning as he gesturing to the boat. "I'm no lady." Serana said shoving Beloniil to the side and jumping into the boat. "Well then." Beloniil said as she jumped in the boat. "Firebrand." Beloniil said tauntingly. "Don't know that word, and don't wanna know that word." Serana said. Beloniil tried with all his might to hold in laughter, but was silenced when he saw it, a giant castle with a lookout tower and a stone bridge. As Beloniil sat there gawking he had one question on his mind. "You live here?" Beloniil asked surprised. "Yeah, yeah big castle and all that." Serana said rolling her eyes. "You could have just told me." Beloniil said. Serana just snorted. "Okay then." Beloniil grunted as he got out of the dingy. Before Beloniil got halfway over the bridge, he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Stop." Serana said. "One more thing." Beloniil looked over his shoulder and saw she was blushing somehow. "You alright?" Beloniil asked. "I am... Thanks, but i also wanted to say thanks for getting me this... Far." Serana looked as if she could not find the right words to say at the moment. "I know... Your people would want to kill as many as possible of my family, so as thanks, try and keep quiet while i do the talking." Beloniil shrugged. "We seek entrance." Beloniil said to the gatekeeper. "Go away! we don't allow... Refuge?" The red-eyes of the gatekeeper straight into Serana's eyes. "Just let us in." Serana said. "Lady Serana! you've returned!" The gatekeeper opened the place up to let them in. "Remember, you stand pretty while i talk to them." Serana said. "Please." Beloniil said jokingly. "what could go wrong."

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