New Friend

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Luz's POV

So It's been 2 weeks since the memory incident, Amity has started to hang out with us now. It's nice to see her happy and more friendly now. I couldn't help but fall for her more and more each time we hang out, whether that is at break time, lunch, or just her coming to the owl shack in general. I mean how could I not, The way she laughs, the way she smiles, she is just amazing and perfect in each way. I don't care if her parents don't think so, she's perfect to me, she was always perfect. I also think that Willow noticed my crush since every time I look over at her she has this knowing smirk.

Although Amity has been acting very weirdly, every time I would hang out with her, her face would go full red, I don't know if she's mad at me, did I do something wrong to make her angry? No that can't be it though right? She can't be mad at me...right? I shouldn't think about it too much.

I was talking to Willow through the crystal orb that I found, we were talking about how excited I was for our next Azura book club, I didn't realize I was ranting about Amity until Willow spoke up: "Hey, maybe instead of rambling about your girlfriend  then you should ask her out  hm?" That took me off by surprise. "Girlfriend? Oh, Amity? She's not my girlfriend-" "Yet" Willow cut me off. I blushed furiously, I sighed, "I don't know Willow, There is no way Amity likes me back...What if I confess to her and she rejects me and doesn't want to be my friend anymore?" I started thinking about all the negative outcomes if I confessed to Amity. "Luz, you never know unless you try" Willow spoke softly. "Alright, but I don't even know what to do, I don't have a clue where to take her, what to dress, what to say..." Willow thought for a moment before coming up with an idea. "How about you ask Amity if she can hang out after the book club and then take her somewhere nice?" 

I realized the one place that means a lot to me and Amity, The Grom Tree, I'll take her there! "Willow, you are a genius, I know exactly where to take her, but what do I say?" Willow thought again. "Just say what you truly feel and don't worry about the clothes just wear what you would normally wear." "Thanks, Willow you're the best!" I sta rted taking down some ideas as to what I should say. Soon after Willow had to leave the call, so I took this time to write down everything I would do when I confess.


So this is a very short chapter... Definitely didn't run out of ideas after 2 paragraphs...heh...

ANYWAYS hope you liked this chapter, the next few are short fluffy chapters, the last chapter of this fanfic will be super fluffy and kind of long so yanno... the next one is short too... I might have merged this and the next chapter together... Hope you dont mind...


Well I hope you have a nice day/night

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