The project

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Luz's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, waking me up for school. Though i was still tired, I mean i did stay up till 3AM thinking about Amity Blight. I sighed, I mean how can you not think about her! She's so smart, pretty, amazing, did i say she was pretty? Oh well...But anyways, my dream didn't help either, Amity was in a beautiful pink dress just staring out into the distance, she looked so amazing!

I'll admit, I might have a tiny crush on Amity.....Oh who am i kidding?! I have a massive crush on her! But i don't even know if she likes girls...I just have to make sure she doesn't find out my feelings towards that she won't make fun of me. She won't do that right? Can't risk it. I look at my clock and its been... 15 MINUTES! 'Oh heck' i think to myself as i rush getting dressed.

"Bye Eda! I'm going to school now" I say as i run out the door. "Jeez Kid, what's the rush?" She asks. "I'll be late school!" I shout out behind me. Luckily i made it on time, "Hey Luz over here!" I hear my two friends Willow and Gus waving to me as i walk towards them. "Hi guys you ready for school?" I ask my friends hoping that they don't hear the tiredness from all the running. "Yup! Lessons are about to start! we better start walking to class" Says Willow seeing that i ran here.

I made my way to abomanations class, and as soon and i opened the door i see Amity staring out the window not focusing on the students walking in. Wow she looked so gorgeous. I made my way to my seat and spotted that Amity was still not focusing on what was happening around her. The teacher started the lesson as usual. I didn't realise was staring at Amity until the teacher shouted out my name.


"YEAH! Oh sorry bit too loud there" I try to laugh off to make it less embarrassing while others were laughing.

"Did you even listen to the lesson at all?" He sighs "I was saying that you and Amity Blight are partners for this project"

I saw Amity focus when the teacher said her name. "Wait what! Me and the human? Partners!?" She shouted

"Yes...And please don't call her 'human' she has a name you know?"

Amity sighed "Fine i guess". She sounded tired... did she even sleep?

"Very well, now sit with your partner and start discussing what your project is about" I heard the teacher say before everyone started moving.

I made my way to Amity and sat next to her. "So......What do you want the project to be about?"I ask hoping it's not to awkward. "Hmmm... i don't know but how about you come over to my house and then we'll decide?" She asks politely as if she was never mean to me in the first place."Oh! um sure i guess?" I reply."Great you know where i live right? The Blight Manor you should know where it is." She says calmly. Wow i've never heard her say something so calmly before...I kinda like it.

"Yeah i know where you live don't worry!" I say trying not to sound creepy that know EXACTLY where she lives. Ok..I think i might have a slight of an obessesion towards her but oh well.

"Right so come by at 5PM On friday? Yeah ok bye" She says in a calm but agressive tone and as soon as she stands up to pack the bell goes. 'Alright so i have 2 days to prepare myself for possibly the best or the worst day of my life.

I meet up with willow and gus and tell them the whole interaction i had with amity."Wait you're serious? THE Amity Blight asked you to come to her house?" Willows asks while gus was eating on his break sandwich as he likes to call it."Yup she invited me over!"I say way to happily.

Willows looks at me and tells me "You should be never know what amity could be plotting." "Dont worry whatever she has in store, i will be ready" Willow sighs and calmly says "Alright but be careful" and the bell rung for our 4th period. The day went by smoothly but i couldn't stop thinking as so why amity invited me over to her house and being polite to me. Before i knew it, it was the end of the day, and i was dreaming about amity again.  


Lol this is my first time writing a story and i had no idea as to what to write since my brain is trying to decide what to do for the upcoming chapters, that kind of have more of an importance to me. By that i mean that whole reason i wanted to write about this lol ;-;

I'm going to try to write over 500 words since i want to make over an 1 hour long but if it's less than that i'm fine with that too!

I kind of gave up my capitilising that names so its just the first letter of a sentence :>

Anyways thanks for reading this chapter! The next one might come sooner but i will try to write monthly. But sometimes a chapter might come out twice a month if i'm bored and just want to start writing the next chapter but if not then one chapter per month :D

Also i know this was supposed to come out in January but i couldn't wait to publish this so here you go! My first ever chapter!

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