His eyes

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"Do you Kim Taehyung accept Kim Y/n as your lawfully wedded wife"

"I do" He said softly. But I caught something weird. While saying that he was not looking at me. He was looking at Lena. Why??

"Do you Kim Y/n accept Kim Taehyung as your lawfully wedded husband"


"I..... Uh..." I couldn't speak as I felt my throat dry. Is this it?!.... Is this how my life is going to be??!... Will I be happy?
Can I be happy?. I was pulled out of my thoughts by a soft nudge on my right shoulder by Lena. She mouthed me 'Say it'. When I looked up I still saw Taehyung gazing at my sister.

"I d-do.. " I said bearing all my courage. As soon as those words left my mouth Taehyung swiftly shifted his gaze towards me. He looked into my eyes. More like into my soul.  I stared back at him only to meet his mesmerizing dark brown orbs. As I stared at him I noticed something.

His eyes

His eyes. It looked sad. It carried pain, similar to mine.

Was he also forced for this relationship??!

"Now you may kiss the bride"

I looked away as soon as I heard the word kiss. Wait.... Are we really going to kiss?? Nooo... that can't happen right ?! ...We barely know ea-

I saw Taehyung leaning towards me slowly. Oh...no..I can't do this.

I tried to slowly turn my head to right to avoid the kiss. But before I could turn completely. He placed a soft peck on my right cheeks. I felt my heart racing rapidly. I was frozen at my place. Even if it didn't mean nothing to him I felt warmth at this small act of his. It was the first time in a while who had kissed me after him.Wait... It was not even kiss. It's just a peck Y/n....Stop Overthinking!! You shouldn't feel this. You can't. Not after which all the shits that has happened to your life in past 5 months.....

He quickly pulled away not meeting my gaze anymore. Then out of the blue he stormed out of the hall without saying anything. What's the problem of this guy??! He is so wierd. He was all fine when met before and all the days before. It didn't felt like he was forced to this marriage. What now???

I felt some wetness in my cheeks.What?!.. I didn't cry then why is it-


He cried....

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