Break-Up Prank

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A/N: this is Requested by SaumyaPatel4🥰



"Jaaaaaaaaaake~ pweeeese," I whined as I held his sleeve and shook it a bit.

He is doing his work always without giving me attention. It's been nearly a week since he talked to me properly.

"Jaaaake," I pouted. "Hmm?" He hummed without looking at me. He is continuously typing on the keyboard.

"Jake, spend time with me," I said. "Not now, MC. I have works," he said while his eyes plastered on the screen.

I felt annoyed. He is saying for days. "I hate you!" I shouted angrily and went to our shared bedroom.


Jake POV:

"I hate you!" She shouted and stomped her foot and went out. I sighed. Sorry MC, I want to spend time with you too.

But this hack is really important, I know I didn't give attention to you these days.

I promise once I finished this I will be with you the whole day. I smiled at my thought of spending time with her.

I continued to do my work again.



"I hate you jake!" I muttered as I entered our room. "Just marry your computer," I said to myself and plopped on the bed.

I took my phone from the nightstand and started scrolling through youtube.

I saw a thumbnail "Break-Up Prank with my boyfriend" hmm....looks interesting.

That's when an idea popped into my mind. Why don't I try this prank with Jake as a punishment for not giving me attention?

"Wait for your punishment Jake" I smiled at my evil thoughts.


It is 7:51 at night. I am just rolling on the bed while planning to do that prank.

Suddenly I heard the door open, I quickly turned and pretended to be asleep while my back facing the door.


Jake POV:

When I entered the room after finishing the work I had been working on for days I saw MC sleeping.

I came to spend time with her but she fell asleep. She didn't even switch off the light. I sighed and went near her.

I slowly lay near and back hugged since she is back facing me.



I felt his arm around my waist. Aaaaw, Jake you are giving butterflies in my stomach.

No MC, no. You can't melt now. You must punish him.

I slowly took his hand from my waist and turned around to face him. "You are awake?" He said surprised.

I didn't reply. I just stared at his face with an emotionless face.

"Jake.... Let's Break-up," I said. His eyes widened in shock. "M-MC...w-what are y-you t-talking?" He asked nervously while trying to cup my cheek.

I dodged his hand and sat up. Aaaah!! I am literally screaming inside. Jake sat up too.

"MC...." He called with his shaky voice. "Let's Break-up, Jake," I said once again without facing him.

"MC....w-why?" He asked. "Because.... Because you are not giving me the attention I want. You love your work more than me. We can't be together anymore, let's just.... break up," I said.

"M-MC, stop saying that," his voice cracked. I turned only to see his teary eyes. It hurts to see him like this. I should stop this now....NO! He should learn his lesson. No way you leave him like this!

"Sorry, Jake. We are not fit for each other, this relationship won't work anymore..." I said.

His tears made their way down his cheeks. Hurt is clearly visible in his eyes.

"MC, don't say t-that. Pl-please," he said while trying to hug me but I backed off. While seeing this he started to cry more.

"MC *hiccup* I will give *hiccup* attention to y-you *hiccup* hereafter, whatever *hiccup* work I have *hiccup* I-I promise, don't leave me," he said while being a crying mess.

That's it. I can't take it anymore. I hugged him while caressing his hair. He snaked his arms around my waist while burying his head in my chest.

He is continuously hiccuping. "Shhh, shhhh," I hushed while trying to calm him down.

"Don't *hiccup* leave me," he said while his grip tightened on my waist. "Shhhh, I was just pranking you, Jake. Don't cry, I will never leave you," I assured him.

After 5 minutes

Finally, he calmed down. He looked at me with his red puffy eyes. "You will never leave me right?" He asked me while pouting.

I pecked his pouting lips. "I will never do that, I can't live without this cute little fellow," I said and chuckled.

"Why did you prank me? I thought you are being serious," he asked. "That's because I wanted to punish you for not talking with me properly these days," I said.

"I won't do that again and you don't do this again," he whined while snuggling into my arms. I chuckled at his cuteness.

"Alright, alright. I won't do that. Let's sleep?" I asked him. He nodded his head.

He switched off the lights and we fell asleep in each other embrace.


A/N: My writing became low since I didn't write for a long time. *Pout*

Duskwood Jake X Fem MC!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora