"Missed me?" He asked with his old playful tone, though the crack in his voice revealed his sadness. Tears appeared in my eyes in seconds and I rushed to hug him tighter. In seconds everything came back to me. How badly I have longed to see him. Post war nothing was ever the same, how have I ever survived? God, it must have been for my lucky angel watching me from above, because the fierce emotions made me feel completely sore. As if there was just my empty core left, without any idea how to sense.. luckily my blonde boy was back and there was nothing I craved for more in the world that for him to teach me how to feel again.

Our embrace was so warm and I felt his arms go around my back. As if it's been years since we've seen each other last.. My tender skin felt him everywhere and I didn't dare to crave for more. But he apparently did..

"Because I missed you like hell" he leaned back to stare into my glassy green eyes. Seconds later our faces were millimetres from each, causing the earthquake of feels happen in my head. Nothing could stop me from leaning in to kiss him now.

We shared a passionate moment, while our lips met. The touch we caused them to make was so warm and pleasant. So comforting. Felt like finally receiving the long awaited Christmas gift we used to get as children. It felt so deserved. He made me feel something enjoyable again. I smiled in my soul, knowing I have him right there. At that moment I made my dearest Universe a promise that I will never let him leave me again - not in this life.

"Where have you been?" I whispered after our lips separated. His hands were still on my back, holding onto me tightly and at the same time pulling me closer.

"A lot of places, I had to hide, first in the forbidden forest and after the Minister of magic had died I was able to go back home.. and from there, I immediately wrote to you my dear" his calm tone didn't make my blood cool down. Right the opposite, I felt the hot, heated liquid in my veins, as I imagined how hurt he was. My heart broke a little more again.

"I'm glad you're back.. home" I responded quietly too. Our foreheads rested on each other and my hands remained cupping his face.

"This is not my home anymore.. you are. I came here only for you, Flower" Draco admitted, making me melt softly, after hearing such sentences from him for the very first time. Whereas he wasn't the boy to enjoy cute talks. Something deeply changed in him. I was worried, since I knew it was an affect of his recent trauma..

"You're my home too" I whispered sensually, feeling his slow, warm breaths rest on my face.

"I couldn't help it, whenever I saw the world burn around me, all I could think about was you" Draco continued. "It was you who got me fighting Maya, I don't understand how." The rush words coming from his heart continued leaving his mouth. They felt so genuine..

While finally telling me how he cares, he slowly moved back my golden hair and rested his hand on my face, hugging my cheek. "I just never felt this way about anyone.."

A heated minute of silence, which I needed to process his words. The confession he gave was something I wasn't really ready for. I bit my lips, before I decided to respond. How could I let the silence overwhelm us completely?

"I feel something too, something that I never had towards anyone else.." The honest sentence, which was built up in my heart was exactly now revealed to him. Surprise, if he didn't know how much I adored him by now, but just in case, such assurance came out.

"Truly?" He questioned, with his eyes permanently sticked to mines. We both didn't see the rest of the world - it was just us, two incredibly messed up souls who could only heal one, another.

"Yes, Draco, I always meant that I care for you 'forever'" I whispered and hugged his cheeks with my both hands. He looked as if he was about to burst out with tears, so did I.

𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃'𝐒 𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐘 [18+] 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲Where stories live. Discover now