Chapter VIII

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Hermione woke me up in the morning. I was still very tired, because I didn't get enough sleep last night. Everything happening around was mentally exhausting me.

"Mays, get ready and we have to go!" She shouted from her closet. She was already dressed and ready to go, but I didn't really feel like leaving our dorm at all. I told her that, hoping she would understand.

"Awh, is it about yesterday?" She asked softly "Maya you can't just stay in your room thinking all your problems will magically disappear" she was right but I still didn't want to go anywhere.

"What did Blaise want? She asked curiously "was it about Malfoy?"

"Yup, he wanted to explain some to me" I nodded "long story actually"

"Okay, you'll tell me later" I agreed "For now we have to figure out how should you talk to Harry"

"I don't feel like talking to him" I stared at the floor "we aren't as close as we used to Mione, now we both keep secrets from each other. Nothing is the same anymore"

"If he asks, agree to talk" I looked at her confused "Maya you have to talk to him, you guys need to explain some things to each other"

"You're right" I said. My mood clearly got better. It's easy - just talk to him. Tell him everything. Hermione understood so should he, right? I'm losing him now anyway, I have to be honest with him. That's the only way...

Later that day

We were in the middle of History of Magic now. I sat with Mione. I was so tired and the whole lesson was just so boring. The teacher couldn't interest us in the topic, so I couldn't help myself but to fall asleep on my desk.

Then Hermione randomly poked my waist which snapped me out of my trance. I looked at her confused.
"Harry is bored too" she gave me a firm look. I knew what she meant. She wanted me to talk to him.

"Fine"I sighed reluctantly

I got up, fixed my hair and went to sit in Harry's desk. Lucky he was sitting alone. Seemed like the best opportunity.

"Mind me sitting here?" I asked and sat before he could answer "Harry I think we should talk" I looked at him with hope. He shook his head as a yes.

"Okay" I smiled "so I truly feel like we're slowly moving away from each other, for example you started keeping things from me, didn't you?"

"So did you" he gave me a very intense look "don't even try denying it. Blaise would never ask for our help"

"You're right" he looked confused "I'm sorry for that, but you didn't tell me who are you in love with either "

"Because-" he got nervous "I didn't get a chance to talk to you at all"

"Oh, or you weren't planning to" I rolled my eyes

"Fine, I'll tell if you will" that's what I was waiting for. Now I have to tell him about Malfoy, and everything that's happened this week.

"Okay, I'll start..." i got nervous as soon as I said Draco's name. Harry looked numb. I could not tell what he thought of what I was saying.

Anyway I continued explaining my feelings for Malfoy to him. When I was done I noticed how upset he was. There was a mix of surprise, disbelief, and sadness on his face. I felt guilty for liking Malfoy yet again. This boy was getting me in so much trouble.

Harry and I stayed silent for a while, I wanted to let him process what I just said. I know it was probably very unexpected and hard for him to realise that his best friend liked his biggest enemy and bully. To be honest, I also felt like such a bad friend. Having to see him this upset about what I just said was breaking my heart.

"Are you okay?" I finally asked. He nodded. "So how about you tell me your 'secret' now?" He looked like he was about to tear up now. I had no idea what to say. I wanted to hug him but then he quickly got up and left the classroom. Our teacher watched him leaving and then gave me a very angry look. Great, harry left and I was in trouble.

I couldn't sit in the class while Harry was out there probably crying. I got up and left as well. I have to find him, now.

Since Hogwarts was a huge building I knew I'll have some troubles with that. I was walking through another corridor devastated with no luck. I checked all our favourite places and spots but he was nowhere to find.

I was going through an intersection of two corridors when I accidentally bumped into someone. Draco Fucking Malfoy. Just not now please.

"Watch were you're-" he looked at me "oh Maya, don't you have like history of magic now?" He asked surprised. He didn't expect to see me either I guess.

"Maybe. Anyway, it's really none of your business" I rolled my eyes, I was supposed to look for Harry not fix my issues with Malfoy now.

"You're not in the mood now I see" he smirked "maybe I could help" he raised his brow and grinned to me.

"Move Malfoy" I demanded "I don't have time for your bullshit now"
He rolled his eyes

"If you're looking for Potter" he stopped

"You know where he is?" I asked with hope in my eyes. "Please Malfoy, if you what to be useful for the first time in your life just tell me where he is" I begged

"Oh I like where it's going" the huge smile wasn't fading out of his face "I'll tell you everything if I can get a kiss" He winked

"What the fuck Malfoy" I stared at him "Why don't you ask Pansy for that?" I mocked

"Oh, so you are jealous" he smirked

"Not jealous, just thought I meant something to you" my voice cracked. He's smile quicky disappeared.

And then he kissed me. Intensive, passionate kiss. Few tears appeared on my checks. Shit, I wasn't supposed to cry because of him anymore. But right now I didn't care. He hugged me tightly and wiped my tears with his fingers. Here he was, the Draco Malfoy I fell in love with. He wasn't emotionless and cold anymore. Not like he is around everyone else. This was my Draco.

"Better?" He asked and left a gentle kiss on my forehead" I nodded my head. I truly felt better.

"Take me to Harry, please" I asked again. He agreed. Grabbed my hand and we both went to the place he saw Harry at. We stopped at boys bathroom.

"Really?" I looked at him surprised

"Yea, I believe I saw him coming in"

"Thank you, Draco" I hugged him "I think that you should go now" he moved my hair and once again kissed me passionately, then he walked away and I entered boys bathroom.

Harry was in front of the huge mirror resting his hands on the sink. He was crying. Seeing him like that truly broke my heart. Then he saw me in the reflection of the mirror.

"What do you want?" he hissed in tears. "Go away Maya"

"Im sorry for liking him, I knew it would upset you that's why I didn't say anything. It's not like I can control who I'm attracted to"

"Must suck" he sounded so angry now "actually I can relate, I wish I wasn't in love with you too"

"Huh? What?" I was probably the most speechless in my whole entire fucking life. What did he just say?!

"Don't act like you didn't know" he continued "I bet Hermione told you"

"Actually she did not, wait are you for real?" I knew he was I just couldn't believe it. He didn't reply.

I came closer and hugged him. He is the strongest person I know but he was literally crying on my arm now. Fuck, what am I supposed to do. I'm actually very bad at confronting others. What were I supposed to say. Harry was like a brother to me, I couldn't never look at him in a different way.

"Harry, i-" he cut me off
"I know you don't like me back" he looked at me while wiping his tears "I understand that, but I unfortunately I can't help my feelings either."

Thank you for reading today's chapter? What do you think of this whole drama? Let me know and make sure to leave a vote, means a lot♡

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