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~4days later~

{Thomas pov}


'Yess my loveee'

'I was thinking maybee you wanna go out tonight??'

'Thommy i can't i have to take care of Mira.. our little girl remember who i have birth to like uhm a couple of days back remember??'

'Yeah i remember but she could stay at my parents house??'

'Yeah but ... thomas i am very tired and i just wanna have some alone time.. i am sorry..'

'No it's okay babe.. i mean you need your rest so i'll just go with ethan and vic and leonora'

'Wait?? Damiano isn't comming?'

'Nope he hates parties remember?'

'I know..'

~time skip~ ~the next moring~ ~at leonora's house~

{Thomas pov}

Ughh ny head hurtss... ughh i drank way to nuch last night.. ughhh where the hell i am i.. omgg... wiat huh??? I am at home.. okay goodd.... Wait no.. huh??? Where the hell i am i???

'Goodmorning sleep head..'

Wait i know that voice... ohh godd...

'morning...ughh what happend last night??'

'You drank to much and then we came here and uhmm.. that's it..'

'You sure???'

'Yeah i am sure dummy.. i didn't drink much soo.'


'Relax we didn't do anything..thom'

'Okay.. if you say so..'

'Yeah but when you kissed that girl..'

'Wich girl?!!!'

'Uhmm a girl who isn't eva?'

'Wait??? Nora please don't say that i-..'

'Cheated on eva? Yes'

'Ohh goddd..... she is soo going to break up with me..'

'Wel if you tell her she won't i mean you were drunk..'

'Yeah but.. still i have a child at home nora..'

'I know that.. an-..'



{leonora's pov}


Should i tell him?? I mean i didn't tell thomas that i am pregnant.. cause i've known him since forever and uhmm well he would freak out probably or he would get into a fight with ethan since their best friends and uhmm well he would just freak out anywayss...

'nora what are you hiding from me?? Caue you have been wearing big hoodies all the time and stuff soo is there anything you wanna tell me??'

'Uhmm noo...'

Ughh i hate it when he's on to somethinggg..

'Nora come on don't lie to me..'

'Thomas there is nothing.. okay?'

'There is now tell me..'

'Okay but promise me you won't freak out okay??'

'I won't just tell me..'

'Thomas i am pregnant...'

'What???? Your pregnant???'


'Why didn't you tell me????'

'I don't know maybe i was afraid that you would freak out..?'

'Nora your my best friend why would i freak out about that???'

'Uhh.. i don't knoww..'

'Okay but nora i am happy for and ethan.. you guys are going to be great parents..'

'Aww thanks thom'

*and she hugs him*

*a little while later* *at the må house*

{Ethan's pov}


'Yess edgar??'

'Uhm can i ask you something??..'

'Yeah sure..'

'Uhmm i wanna suprise nora.. with a uhm romantic dinner... and like uhm.. just a romantic night but can you mayb help me??cause i wanted to be perfect..'

'Yes! Ofcourse i'll help you edgar!'

'Okay thank you vic..'

'Sooo what do you want me to do??'


~~and he tells her~~

'Ohh that's a great idea edgar..'

*to be contiued*


Sorry it's a short onee butt enjoy! And i'll see you  next timee😘😘😘

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