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Cedric and Astreria both in unison looked to the side

"Cho!!!!" Astreria ran up and gave the banged hair girl a warm hug

Cho helped Astreria in her first year, and now they became good friends

"It's been so long! How are you!" Astreria jumped

"I'm good" She shrugges

Her tone of voice seemed a little bit off but from Astreria point of view she seemed well.

"Oh! Cho, this is Cedric! Cedric this is Cho"



"anyways Ria I have so many things for us to catch up on! Can we have some girl time?"

Astreria looked at Cedric and he gave him a understanding smile

"Cya soon" He patted her head

"Does he have clean hands?" Cho asked in a deeper tone

"of course!" Astreria laughed


"Shit, Shit" Harry kept repeating

"Shut up would you?" Seamus suggested


"Harry calm yourself it's Ria she'll get over it" Ron shrugged

"Exactly, she has done it many times before" Hermione nodded

(flashback to third year)

"Your forgot to feed her Harry?!" Astreria screamed

"I thought Ron-"


"I'm sorry,i'm sorry"

Astreria huffed, "Your lucky i'm a nice person Harry"


"She didn't seem that annoyed as she did today" Harry faked cry

"she was screaming at you Harry" Ron crossed his arms

"Calmed anger is the most dangerous" Hermione added on

"Thanks" Harry replied, "Remember when I kissed her in third year and she ignored me for like two weeks"

"Yeah but she wasn't mad at you" Ron rolled his eyes

"Yeah but it felt like it,what if she does the same and doesn't talk to me at all"

"Please" Ron snorted

"I have to go there" Harry determinedly nodded his head


"And so we made intense eye contact on the train and he was so pretty with his long hair and glasses" Cho fawned

"Wait-who are we talking about? He sounds really familiar" Astreria did a small smile

"Harry? Harry Potter?" Cho scrunched her nose

Astreria felt her smile drop, she didn't know what she felt but her stomach felt not butterflies but moth's

"oh..him" Astreria faked laughed

"Yeah of course who else!" Cho shrugged

Astreria saw Cho's face becoming red,looking up at something, "Cho? what happened?" She looked behind to see the big man himself


"What are you doing here?" Astreria demanded, "Ria be nice" Cho whispered while smiling

"Can we talk please?" Harry said avoiding eye contact

"No" Astreria said looking at the ceiling

"Please" He begged

Astreria looked at Harry the Cho who nodded her head.

"Fine" Her voice sounding very aggressive

The two walked to a little corner where none can find them (since a lot of Ravenclaws are nosy)

"Spill it" Astreria said impatiently

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude. I just thought it wasn't a good idea. You know bracelet selling at Hogwarts?"

Astreria made a confused face, "So your telling me you came here to apologize but at the same time say my idea is not gonna work out?"

Harry widened his eyes, "No no no. what i'm saying is that-"

"My idea is dumb and not gonna work?" Astreria crossed her arms

"No, It's just that I don't think people would find it useful to anything"

"There bracelets Harry! There just fun and cute. Maybe you don't think so but I think a lot of people would enjoy the fact if supporting there peers in a competition such as this"

"You don't even know who's in yet,it's not going to work Astreria it's just a dumb stupid idea that you come up with that you never go on to do!" Harry felt instantly regret of what he just said

"Oh,okay. I get it now" Astreria said in a sarcastically happy tone

"No No Ria-" Harry shook his hands

"Please leave Harry" Astreria crossed her arms


"No?" Astreria chuckled, "You have five seconds Harry to walk away from this little corner" Astreria pulled out her wand


"Your not going to hurt me" Harry took a deep breath in


"Let me explain to you please"


"I'm sorry, your right i'm wrong, I know i'm not very open minded and i'm sorry" Harry said as quickly as he could


"Ria please forgive me" Harry gave her puppy eyes

"Out" Astreria firmly said

Harry sighed and slowly walked away. Astreria didn't regret what she did. If he really was supportive or sorry he wouldn't have gave her such a shitty apology.

She felt like a villain some how. She wasn't going to put a spell on him, never. But who knows?

"You are so stupid Harry"


This is actually so bad bro not even I hate this sm

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