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It's been about two weeks since Harry and Astreria had there first smooch smooch, and Astreria has been avoiding Harry most of the time

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It's been about two weeks since Harry and Astreria had there first smooch smooch, and Astreria has been avoiding Harry most of the time

"Why are you Avoiding the poor boy?" Padma asked while buttering her toast

"You don't talk to a person casually after you kissed the poor person" said Astreria

"But it was just for a bet, it didn't mean anything" Luna said in her dreamy voice

"Yeah, but still it's embarrassing, I said your welcome and left the poor guy alone" Astreria said stuffing toast into her mouth

"That is quite embarrassing" Padma mumbled, "For him! not you" She quickly added

"No your right it is my fault, who the hell says your wellcome after your flipping kissed a boy" Astreria sighed

"You'll get over it" Luna said patting her back

"Hopefully" Astreria sighed

At the Gryffindor table

"Why in the bloody hell are you two ignoring each other?" said Ron unclearly because he was talking with his mouth full

"Stop talking with your mouth full Ronald, and Harry go talk to her!" Hermione said

"She's been ignoring me, not i've been ignoring her." Harry sighed

"Do you know why?" Asked Ron

"I don't know"

"But you two kissed!" Ron whispered

"It was for a bet Ron nothing special" Mumbled Harry

"Then why aren't you two talking" Ron whined

"That's ridiculous Harry, you waisted her first kiss just for a little bet? Aren't you ashamed of yourself" Hermione interrupted while hitting him with the daily prophet


"No, you do deserve it Hermione is right, a first kiss only happens once!" Ron said to Harry with a disappointing tone

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