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"Where are we actually going?" Harry asks Ron

"Don't know. Hey Dad! Where are we going?" Ron asks his father

He got ignored

Everyone was trailing along slowly behind

" Haven't the foggiest, keep up!" Arthur said

At one point they stopped to see two flying men

"woah" Astreria was amazed

They finally landed and there were two men just as Astreria thought, one was older and one was like near our age Astreria would guess

"Arthur! It's about time son." The older man said. Seems like Arthur and the man are friends

"Sorry Amos. Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start. This is Amos Diggory everyone, he works with me at the ministry. And this strapping young lad Cedric, am I right?" Arthur said in one deep breath

"Yes sir" Cedric nodded

Astreria thought he was kinda cute. He had beautiful face features. But Astreria knew that Hermione and Ginny definitely thought he was a cute guy

Astreria elbowed Hermione, "You think he's cute to huh?"

Hermione face flashed pink, "no-what?"

Astreria gave a small giggle

There conversation was so distracting that they realized that everyone else was walking to a boot?

"Hurry up you to" Ron took Astreria and Hermione's arms and pulled them towards the boot

"oops" Astreria whispered to herself

"Why are they all standing around that
  manky old boot?" Harry asked

"That isn't just any old manky boot mate." Fred responded

"It's a portkey." George added with a wink

Everyone is in a circle putting their hand on the boot

" Time to go. Ready?" Amos asked

"What's a 'portkey'?" Harry's small little mind asked

"After 3. One... Two..." Amos counted

"Harry!" Arthur yelled

Harry rushes over and puts his hand on the boot.


There's a white flash and suddenly they're all flying through the air. Everyone cheers.

Lets just say some landed more gracefully than others

"OW" Astreria felt like her back just aged up sixty years when Ron fell on top of her

On the other hand Amos and Cedric landed like little feathers so lightly

Astreria was trying to get back up but who knew Ron Weasley would be so heavy, "I'm gonna kill you" Astreria muttered while struggling to get up.

As she was fighting with herself she saw a hand that stook out to her she grabbed it without looking who it's was, "thank you Har-" She looked up and it was Cedric, "Uh I mean Thank you Cedric? Right?"

"Yes that's me and no problem" He replied with a smile. His voice was in a whisper tone but very soothing to

"Oh uh i'm Astreria nice to officially meet you" There hands we're still together so she shook it

"Nice to meet you Astreria, beautiful name" He shook back

They shook for about thirty second smiling at each other. Until his father called out to him, "That's my dad" He chuckled, "Hope to see you again Astreria"

"Same with me" She smiled

As Cedric walked away, Astreria felt this feeling a weird feeling. He's polite and kind, and pretty cute

But what about her and Harry? She can't like Cedric and Harry, Right?

But what if she doesn't like Cedric and just thinks he's nice that's all

But what if it's not?

What is this feeling?


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