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I seen a red car pull up after that I blacked out.....


Tears started welding in my eyes I felt so sorry for him he lost his family all in one day

Are you okay how do you feel now ?

Hurt lost hopeless homeless he responded
Well I'm so sorry that happen to you everything happen for a reason

Not saying what happen was meant to be happy but I see good in you

You gone be alright I am hear for you always anything you need I am here

You can stay here as long as you want

Nihh I want be here long I'm not gone be feeding off you like that

Nooo it's all good I lost my mom and dad when I was 5 they left me billions of dollars behind

I am glade I have someone to share it with as long as you with me im good

I don't mind at all

Can I ask you something he asked?
Why you did it? He said.
What do you mean ?

Why you save me you could have let me die you can have ran to the cops

You could have left me there to die
Why you did it ? He said again

When I saw you I felt bad I was throwing trash away

I saw you bloody laying there

So I got you and took you to my house I did not wanna take you to the hospital

They will get the cops involved and investigate me I don't didn't feel like that

Since I am training now at the hospital which I will be starting work in 15 days

I already knew what to do I had to take a test on this type of stuff

I love helping people me not being able to help my parents really affected me

They saved my life they protected me I wanna give back and save someone life

Why didn't you talk to me?

Well when I woke up I did not know where I was I looked around and the place seem hella girly

I knew then it was some female house

I the saw you and how much you care when you rambled when you told me you save me

I was not a very talkative person if I didn't know you I didn't talk

It take some getting used to I'm not very social I was not ignoring you

I just didn't know where to start what to say I didn't know you

You could have been a cop or fed or whatever then I was thinking

If you was one you would have took me to the hospital instead

But I wanna thank you sooo much for everything you did for me

I don't deserve to be hear alive while others suffer or suffered because of me

I forget thank you and sorry for the silent treatment after you saved me something clicked

Because of you I am alive I am tired of running I wanna move on with my life

I will try to be more open with you he said

Thank you and stay here as long as you need even if you didn't talk

It felt good you being here cause I live alone
But it's getting late

Maybe we can finish this off in the morning

Mhm good night he said

Night toosii

Na'Jour -he said

I smiled  night "Na'Jour "

He smiled a little night Asia he said
I went up stair changing in my night clothes so brushed my teeth and washed my face

Getting in the bed seeing I had a miss call from Vanessa I called back


Hey I said

Hey how you been I'm going to be back tomorrow

Oh okay I said

What wrong you don't sound happy she said

I smiled I'm just tired I partially lied knowing it was cause she was fucking someone else

Well I was call you tomorrow

Okay good night she said


Call ended

Author: well he finally talked

Vanessa fucking someone else?

His name is Na'Jour?

Also go by toosii?

He lost his baby and his baby momma?

Him being a drug dealer ?

Asia starting work soon?

Author: till next time 😉

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