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My name is Na'Jour but people called me Toosii....

U-umm what do you prefer me to call you I said
Na'Jour in private public or open toosii -man

So tell me your story not to get all in your business or anything but since you been here

You have been nothing but quiet you have tried to Kill your self and in top of that having seizures

I found in at a corner store by a trash can passed out.....


The night I lost my daughter and my first born child still plays in my head

It was all my fault I finally had saved up so much money to get out the game

Once I told king our boss I was done either everything he did not take it well

We got into an argument he said he would double my pay 10x times I make 20,000 thousand within a week

I told him no he told me if I didn't stay j would regret everything in my life

I told if what ever floats his boat and I was going to live my life

I walked off out the trap house I was done selling drugs I had a family now

I did not wanna risk losing at all it was either being a drug dealer or having my girl and baby

I always wanted kids

I am 23 years old imma young muthafucka my girl was 20

I was on my way to handle some business I was waking I had my gun on me

I seen this girl crying I went to her ask her what's wrong she told me her mom kicked her out that she was almost raped by her moms boyfriend

Her mom didn't believe her I told her come with me that I would help her

I got her in the car to my house I told her make herself at him and showed her room

The next day cooked her breakfast and took her shopping I told her I got her

She was beautiful she didn't have to work I had her

We started to chill go out to movies and games bowling golf trampoline place water park

One thing lead to the next age became my Girl we got drunk one day

That lead to us waking up naked we were both shocked and confused

Months later she was pregnant

But stuff started happening I started getting threads sent to my phone

And people following me I was so confused

Her name was star she was my everything
One day she woke me up asking for some pregnancy cravings

I went to go get them I left and went to go get her stuff from the store

I felt like some was going to happen things felt off this feeling someone was following me

I got out went in the store
When I got back to the car opening my door there was a box

It had a letter I read it said

"Cats have 9 lives but you have one, I told you, you know not to play with me."

That's when I saw in the box a rap record I got it and pressed the button


Any last words

Star voice:noooo please I'm pregnant pleassssseee don't do thi-


I felt a tap on my shoulder I looked back to se someone covered in all black even there face was covered

Before I could even pull out my gun I was shot and then I was beat i fell to the ground

They got my car driving off I crawled all the way by the trash can

I didn't want nobody to see me I seen the owner of the store coke out looking around not seeing anything

She couldn't see me I had dark clothes on plus I don't do the police

After that I seen a red car pull up after that I blacked out...

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