Chapter 44

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Azure was a huge help in making sure that Dean was speaking the truth

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Azure was a huge help in making sure that Dean was speaking the truth. The Luna part of me wanted to comfort him right then and there.

I know he made a deal with Saul, but he never done anything of it. He even tried to work around it. Azure is even comfortable with him, and that gray hue is not even there anymore. It was barely there in the first place.

I don't think he would have ever ratted us out. I mean, he did become a traitor by making that deal but it was not strong at all. Azure agrees.

Walking out of the cells, Alastair stands close to me while Tyler is on the other side.

None of them like the fact we were there and so close to John. That's my bet, their wild sides are driving them crazy. Azure answers for them.

"Well now when do we speak to the pack?" I ask them.

Nathan sighs from behind me and Alastair looks to be fairing the same.

"When ever honestly." Tyler's answer is cryptic in its own.

"Okay so like today or tomorrow?" I ask once again.

"We could do today. I just wonder how everyone will react." Tyler rubs his neck, one nervous habit of his.

"The only way to know is by talking to them and just telling them everything." I am flat out honest with him.

Tyler gives me a sideways glance, but wisely says nothing.

"You can't let it eat at you on what they are going to do nor say until we tell them everything. Let the facts be laid out and then we take it under consideration on what they may want." I keep talking.

"They will want John's head. I am just concerned what Melissa will truly say." Tyler whispers.

"Melissa doesn't blame anyone, and even she doesn't care what will become of him. So if that is what's on your mind then there is no worry. I would even bet that Melissa would end him herself, if given the chance." I shrug thinking over when I have spoke with her.

"Do you think the pack will be so understanding with Dean though?" Nathan asks.

"I can hope so. We will explain it all, but I think many will blame his wolf for even striking the deal with Saul because it was all over his mate and that has more to do with our wild sides." I ponder on it.

"I can agree with Claire. Dean was a respected warrior for a couple years before now and many have been shocked by him being involved. Once explained it should be an easy transition." Tyler adds.

I walk into the kitchen and find Fiona, Layla, and Hailey going through the books.

"Let's do something easy and fast for dinner tonight." I tell them.

"What do you have in mind Claire?" Fiona asks.

"That I am not sure on, but it may be a long day." I grimace.

Your Luna and I would like to speak with everyone out in the training fields within the next thirty minutes. Tyler's link goes through my head.

Now, I feel saved by the link before any of the others can ask me questions. Which, I know Layla and Hailey was fixing to ask.

Layla and Hailey move over to me and stand by close, just as Tyler and Nathan walk into the kitchen. Alastair moves from the wall to stand close to me as well.

"So this is why the easy meal?" Fiona asks us.

"Yeah, not sure how long all of what we have to say will take." I answer her.

"In that case, about all after we just whip up finger food type sandwiches?" Fiona looks to Tyler and I.

"That sounds great to me. I can even help and pitch in with that, since there is no cooking involved." Tyler finally cracks a small smile.

"Deal!" Fiona laughs.

"We better start walking out there." Tyler places a hand on the lower part of my back.

Everyone from the kitchen follows us out to the training field. I can already see many of our pack members gathering into a huge circle. No one is speaking a word, but is watching us as we make our way to where everyone can see us.

Tyler jumps up on top of one of the tables, before holding a hand out for me to stand on top of it with him. My only hope is the wood doesn't decide to break with our weight on top of it.

Being at this height added from the table, I can see even more of the members. It hasn't even been thirty minutes, but it seems the pack is already here and waiting. They are quick to move even though Tyler gave everyone time.

Ready? Tyler links me.

I give him the slightest of nods. We need to go on and get started with. My heart starts to beat a little faster and I will myself to calm down. There is nothing to be nervous over. We are just letting the pack help make the choice on what to do with the traitors.

"Everyone! Claire and I have some details that need to be gone over involving the traitors within the pack that was found many months ago." Tyler's voice booms.

"We have talked and believe it to be fair to let everyone help decide their fate, because it affects everyone of us as a whole when a member of our pack is found to be leaking or conspiring against us. We will go over all three people involved and any of the facts we have against them. For each case, we will listen and take everything into consideration." Tyler pauses.

No one speaks a word or even so much as moves.

"Now we can start with the ones that have lesser hardcore involvement or we can start with the one person with the worst charges against them. What does everyone want to hear first?" I ask them, letting my voice flow loud and clear.

The crowd starts mutter among each other, causing the field to go loud. Already the crowd is split and half wants to hear the worst, while the other half wants the easiest. This is going to take longer than I originally thought.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

Time for the pack to know what the high rank wolves know about the traitors.

Who's case will they tell the pack about first?

Thank you so much for the comments and votes, my lovely readers!

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