Chapter 19

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*Luis POV*

I sat in my bedroom, holding up the photo of us three. If the past have been far less tragic for my sister then we would've been more closer today. But I guess it's safe to say better late than never. When I saw her downstairs at the garden area, I slowly inched my way towards her.


"Oh bunso. Are you okay?"

I chuckled. "Yeah Ate, how are you feeling?"

"Much better now."

There was silence as we looked around the garden.

"You know, mom loved gardening. She even wants to learn floristry." I said.

"Well Mom does alot of beautiful things anyway. It's no surprise."

"Really Ate? How'd you know?"

"She made us 3."

I smiled in response. I realized how she and Mom are very much alike. Especially their attitude towards life.

"Do you hate mom?" I asked her.

"I never did bunso."

"So does this mean, you won't leave us anymore?"

"Who said I was gonna leave?" She smiled.

Me and my sister both hugged each other. It was the beginning of a new chapter for our family. To finally tell the whole world that we have a sister, more importantly the heir to Mama Meldy's shoes.

*Irene's POV*

I drove myself to the columbarium where Leandro was laid to rest. I brought flowers to place on both Leandro and Papa Andrew. I said a little prayer and started talking to Leandro after so many years.

"Leo... I can't thank you enough for showing me the kind of love I truly deserve in this world. I find myself walking down memory lane through the years and thought maybe... if I can go back to you and Leandra. But I would end up remembering that day when you flew to the US and let me live free to love the man that Daddy wanted. How do I deserve such love and respect from a man like you? Greggy was an extension to your love while Leandra, Alfonso and Luis were the outcome. Wherever you are right now Leo, I hope you know that I never stopped loving you. Thank you for bringing Leandra in this world. Thank you for letting me build the bridge out of the love that we once had. Til we see each other again Leo, I will always... and forever will be your Rina."

I knew at this point in time, the time has come to tell the world about Leandra. To be given another chance and correct the past is such a blessing that I refuse to waste it again and again. Leandro will always live in Leandra's soul. A soul that me, Greggy, Alfonso and Luis will continue to fill in with love.

When I got home, I went ahead and called up Bongbong.


"Hi Bonget."

"Oh Ading, what can I do for you?"

"Bonget... I'm ready."

There was a moment of silence. Bonget knew what she meant when she said she was ready.

"Finally Ading, the time has come..."

I took a deep breath. I have to do this. For Leandro.

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