Chapter 14

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*Mama Linda's POV*

Just like Andrew's passing, we decided to cremate Leandro's ashes. But this time, I suggested that Leandra and I should fly back to the Philippines to fix the final resting place of both her grandfather and father. These past few weeks, I have been putting up a brave face in front of my granddaughter. I can hear her heart feeling so distraught after unexpectedly losing the first man she ever loved. But I know that this trip will not only put the two men in our lives to rest. This will be a chance for Leandra to reunite with her mother. I have spent years loving and guiding her, now it's Irene's turn.

January 2000

While everyone was looking forward to the new millennium, me and Leandra were looking forward to go home. Hopefully to find ourselves healing and coping from the loss. While Leandra was putting our luggaes inside the car, I did my last round of check inside the house. Upon closing the door, I saw some unread envelopes on the mailbox. I grabbed them and entered the car. As I was shuffling through the envelopes, I saw a mail addressed to Leandra, from her mother. I gave it to her and she placed it inside her purse.

"Aren't you going to read it?" I asked.

"I don't feel like it's the right time Mama." She replied.

I held her hand, assuring her that everything will be alright. I hate seeing my granddaughter in pain. But I know Leandro raised her well and I have no doubts that she will come out stronger.

Our exhaustion for the past few days reflected as we onboarded the plane. Me and Leandra slept through the flight and only woke up when they served us meals. After 15 hours, we finally arrived back in the Philippines and in our house in Forbes Park. As I entered my room, I saw Andrew's urn on my bedside table.

"Mahal ko, I hope you'll see our anak up there. Please guide us... especially Leandra." I said to myself while holding the urn.

*Leandra's POV*

17 years later, I am back home. I entered Daddy's room to settle in. The crib was still there which I found it comforting to look at. All of daddy's items were still here. As I put my luggages inside, I carried Daddy's urn and placed it on the bedside table. Next to it was his graduation photo from College and a picture of him and mom. While I kept looking around the room, I couldn't stop sobbing. His achievements as a well known engineer meant nothing to him the moment he chose mom and me. But my heart aches that he left so sudden. I know he would've want to go home and relive the moments. He would've want me to see mom again and we would pick up from where we left off. He would've want to see me finish school, perform on stage and make him proud. But now that he's gone, what else awaits for me here?

I spent the whole day inside the room, holding his clothes as I cry myself to sleep once again. The next day, Mama Linda was sitting on my bedside, trying to wake me up. Today is the day that we are going to the columbarium and properly store the two urn's. When we arrived at the columbarium, we were greeted with some of our relatives that I have not met before. We gathered altogether for a prayer and said our final words to Papa and Daddy. Mama placed Papa's urn on the first storage while I placed Daddy's urn on the second. Mama was holding me for comfort as I could not control my emotions anymore. When I was able to return my composure, I started greeting the rest of my relatives. Despite grieving for my dad's loss, I am still beyond grateful that my relatives are kind and loving towards me. They said nothing but praises about our family and that they look forward to seeing me more often. Seeing them and hearing all these kinds of affirmation feels comforting. I just wish Daddy and Papa were here to witness this family reunion.

After the burial, the whole family decided to eat at the Manila Polo Club. Upon arriving, Mama Linda approached me.

"This is where your mom and dad used to date." She whispered in my ear.

"Really?" I replied.

"Yes! Your dad would also take you here when you were still a baby." Mama Linda said and smiled as she guided me inside.

While eating with my whole family, one of my Aunt's asked about my plans for College.

"I was planning to go and study Music at Berklee Tita. But because of what happened, I don't think I want to go back to the US for now."

"Oh no worries iha, there are plenty of music schools for you to try here in Manila. Have you heard of UST?"

I shook my head when she asked me.

"University of Santo Tomas has a Conservatory of Music. They hold auditions every semester for students who would want to enroll. You should at least give it a try."

All of my relatives started agreeing to what my Aunt said, even Mama Linda.

"Well... okay Tita, I'll give it a shot." I said with a smile.

Afterwards, we said our goodbyes and got home. I couldn't stop thinking about that music school my Aunt was telling me about. Should I give it a try? What piece should I perform? Am I ready to play the piano again?

"What do you think Dad?" I looked at daddy's photo, hoping to find a sign or an answer.

Suddenly my purse dropped on the floor and an envelope slipped out. It was Mom's letter that Mama Linda gave to me before we left San Francisco. I picked it up and read the letter.

My Precious Leandra,

No words can describe how much I've been waiting for this day to come, the day that I am finally hearing from you. Through the years I always hope and pray that you are safe and happy in the arms of your Daddy Leandro and Mama Linda. However, in my heart I know that you also have been longing for me and I will never stop apologizing for missing out on your formative years. But now that you're all grown up, I hope that I still have a place in your heart.

I always knew that one way or another we will share one singular interest. I was not surprised when you said that you plan on taking up music as I too, took up music when I was your age. I majored in orchestra conducting and piano as well. So needless to say, I am also onboard with your Dad on supporting you. Good luck my precious star, make your dreams turn into reality. Someday, I might get to see you perform.

Take care always, my first born.

All my love,

Love can build a Bridgeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें