Chapter 13

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A/N: Might I suggest that you all play the video. It's the piece "My Fathers Favorite" included in this chapter. Oh, and prepare the tears? 🥺

*Leandro's POV*

I woke up and headed downstairs to the sound of Leandra playing the piano. She was playing "My Father's Favorite" by Patrick Doyle. It was a piece that Papa Andrew loved before. When he passed away, Leandra learned the piece in honor of her Grandfather. I kept staring at how beautiful my daughter is. How graceful her hands move as she plays every key in the piano. How her passion beams in every smile she makes through the power of music. She is truly her mother's daughter.

I was suddenly interrupted by a ring on the telephone.

"Silayan's residence."


"Yes, who's this?"

"It's Greggy."

I went silent for a few seconds realizing that Greggy was on the other line.

"Oh Greggy... what a surprise to hear from you. Kamusta ka na?"

"I'm fine. Uhm... well I wanted to contact you personally because..."


"I guess what I'm trying to say here is... Thank you."

I was confused. What on earth could he be thanking me for?

"Oh... well what for?"

"Thank you for taking care of her all these years."

From there, I now know what he was talking about. Looks like Greggy finally knows about Leandra.

"Also, I know you still love her after all this time and I'm sorry that you had to set her free for the sake of protecting her."

I was speechless for a moment. I did not realize that both of us were in tears as we speak.

"Well.. Leandra is and always will be my world. I cannot see myself anymore but to be the first man that she'll ever love."

"You're a great man, Leandro."

"Thank you Greggy."

We both hung up the phone and I wiped my tears. I felt like my chest was finally free. It was the closure and acceptance that I've been needing all these years. I walked back and sat down next to Leandra.

"Dad, do you ever think that Mom and I will see each other again?"

"Definitely sweetie. I have no doubts that you two will cross paths."

"But what if she doesn't want me anymore?"

"Oh my dear, please don't think that way. Did you know that through the letters that she sent you, it created a bridge that connects you to her heart?"

"Really dad?"

"Really. It is true when they say that... love can build a bridge."

"Will you be there when I cross that bridge dad?"

"No matter where you are my baby, I will always be right next to you."

I kissed her forehead.

"You are and always will be loved my precious star."

*Leandra's POV*

That night, I had a dream that I was crossing through a bridge and at the end of the bridge, was Mom. She was smiling and reaching out her hand to me. I held her hand and got to the end of the bridge. On the other side was Dad. I kept on yelling at Dad to come closer but he was just standing on the middle of the bridge. He smiled and simply waved back. Suddenly the bridge started falling apart and I saw Dad falling as well.

"DAD" I screamed as I woke up from the dream.

I jumped out of my bed and looked for Dad. I found him in the living room, sitting in front of the fireplace. He looked like he was asleep while reading a book so I tried to wake him up. After a few attempts to wake him up, I touched his hand. It was cold. I immediately shaked him to wake up but he was still unresponsive. I called Mama Linda out and turn on all of the lights and saw Dad's pale lifeless face.


Me and Mama were already in tears as we keep trying to wake him up. But he wasn't waking up anymore. I was on my knees, trying to shake every part of his body. Pleading that he would still wake up.


When Mama finally gave up, she started holding me tight, trying to pacify me but it failed. I cried like I never cried before. Daddy's gone.

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